village of the darned

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Description: During an annual cookie drive for Jane's youth troop, a creepy troop leader conspires to rid the town of all the adults.
(Y/N will be written as a female in this part)

** Trigger warnings: mentions of death, mentions of the underworld, blood, etc.

** Trigger warnings: mentions of death, mentions of the underworld, blood, etc

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Chapter XIII

Seated at your desk you tapped your pencil against your notebook as you skimmed over the textbook for your Physics class. You felt your eyes grow heavy as you looked over the given assignment. Your vision blurred softly as you released a tired yawn, dropping the pencil to rub your eyes with both sets of fingers.

Your phone buzzed as it was face down against your desk. You reached over to grab it and saw that Ethan was calling. You quickly answered his call, allowing anything and everything to distract you from your homework.

"Hey, E," You placed the phone against your ear after you answered it.

"Hey, Y/N/N," He sounded both annoyed and frustrated.

"What's wrong? You don't sound too good," You leaned against the back of your chair as you kicked your feet up on the edge your desk.

"My mom's making me look after these rabid twins while she goes out with their mom," He grumbled.

You chuckled pathetically, "What? So your mom's giving you a second chance at babysitting with a set of evil twins instead of Jane?"

"I guess so," He huffed. "Look, I could really use your help. Think you can come over tomorrow? Sarah's gonna help out too."

"Sure thing, man," You nodded and pulled your lips into a thin line.

"Rory and Benny are coming too," Ethan added on as you replied in a small laugh. "Hey, don't judge me! I'm gonna need all the help I can get with these animals."

"Gotcha, E," You smiled and glanced at your clock, seeing that it was nearing nine o'clock. "Listen, I gotta finish up this homework. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks, Y/N," Ethan spoke through the phone. You pulled the phone from your ear and ended the call before tossing it behind you, having it land on your bed. You released a soft groan and tried to do your best to focus on your assignments.


The following night came rather quickly as you were struggling to shove a pair of you sneakers onto your foot, seated against the edge of you bed. The shoes were ones you'd had for a while and by the looks of them, you were probably due for a new pair, but you never got around to it.

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