guys and dolls

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Description: Jane mistakenly turns her Debbie Dazzle doll into a human using Benny's spellbook.
(Y/N will be written as a female in this part)

** Trigger warnings: graphic violence, mentions of anxiety, slightly seductive behavior, etc. Read at your own risk.

 Read at your own risk

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Chapter VI

Slipping your shoes onto your feet, you tugged at the heel to stuff the sneaker over your socked toes. You felt a subtle churning within your stomach, unable to ignore it as you got ready to head over to Ethan's house for the night. Benny was with you inside your bedroom, checking to make sure he had everything he needed before the two of you would leave.

"Come on, Y/N! I can't wait to play this," Benny released a whine as he pulled out his new purchase of a video game the three of you would play.

"I'm almost done," You spoke as you stood from the edge of your bed and scurry towards your closet, reaching in to grab a hoodie that you would pull over your short sleeved t-shirt. You could feel Benny's eyes peeled upon you as you shrugged the sweatshirt over your upper body.

Turning on your heels, you reached to grab your bag and slugged it over your shoulder. "Let's go, dork!" You gave him a wide grin as he returned the favor, the two of you rushed out of your bedroom and down the steps of your house.


"E!" You and Benny hurried up the steps of the Morgan home, Benny was behind you as you led the way towards his room.

Coming into Ethan's room, the two of you opened the door with excitement and closed to door behind the both of you. Breathless from excitement, you and Benny dropped your bags onto the floor. You found Ethan laying against his bed with a comic book in his hands.

"Dude! Your parents are gone and we have the run of the house," Benny gave a wide grin as he bent down to pull out the game he bought. You squealed under your breath with excitement.

"Well, except for your sister and Sarah.. your babysitter," Benny stood up straight and held the game close to his chest.

You stood beside him with dilated pupils and glanced at Ethan, "Do you know what this means?"

"Does it rhyme with.. 'gideovames'?" Ethan sat up from his bed and had a wide grin upon his face.

"Close!" You giggled.

"Knights of Ninjitsu IV!" Benny showed the disk to Ethan who was staring at it in awe.

"Wick!" Ethan gave a wide and excited grin as he pushed himself off thr edge of bed, leaving the comic book against the mattress. He stood before you and Benny, ready to get started on playing.

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