the date to end all dates i

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Description: An intruder raids the vampire council for something called the Lucifractor, but Ethan worries about a date with Sarah.
(Y/N will be written as a female in this part)

** Trigger warnings: graphic violence, angst, etc.

** Trigger warnings: graphic violence, angst, etc

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Chapter XVI

Stood at your opened locker, you reached up to grab your notebook for your world history class with Mr. G. You hummed softly and held it in your left arm as your right hand gripped onto your locker door. Before you shut it, you examined the photos you had of all your friends taped against the inside of the metal door. You grinned sweetly as your eyes diverted to a photo of you, Ethan and Benny when you were just little kids at your sixth birthday party. You took note of the fact that Ethan had a missing tooth along his front teeth, while Benny as cake all over his face. You stood between them with your arms draped around their shoulders as a wide grin was plastered amongst your face, a pink birthday hat atop your head.

Grinning softly, you shut the door and glanced down the hall to see Benny walking towards you with a smile. Your lips glossed with your chapstick that you put on earlier that morning as you naturally glassy eyes remained on him as he stood before you.

"Hey," He smiled looking down at you.

"Hi," You grinned shyly. The moment was quiet for a while, but it was comfortable as Benny had reached down to hold your hand in his own. "Isn't today the day Ethan's supposed to ask Sarah out?" You looked at him with your brows raised.

"Yes and if he doesn't pull through with it, I get a hundred bucks," He grinned boyishly. "Let's go see him!" Benny tugged your wrist down the hall, making you snicker under your breath.


Making it down the hall to Ethan's locker, you watched as Benny had a smirk against his lips when you saw your best friend stood beside his opened locked.

"You know.. just for you, I'll take my hundred bucks in dollars," Benny smirked as he rested his free hand against the row of lockers, beside Ethan's. You rolled your eyes playfully and watched Ethan was unamused.

He sighed softly and tossed his bag into his locker before turning to face the two of you, "The deal was that I had a year to ask Sarah out. I still have five hours left." He looked down at his watch and released a nervous sigh.

"Hmm.." Benny hummed quietly as his fingers still entwined with yours as you stood beside him.

Rory came up behind Ethan with a stern look on his face. It seemed rather hard for him to look intimidating as his aura was much more bubbly and gentle. "The council wants to meet with you now. And this time I've been authorized to use force." He crossed his arms over his chest as stared at Ethan.

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