hottie ho-tep

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Description: A mummy follows Benny home and is revived as a handsome Egyptian prince, who charms Sarah.
(Y/N will be written as a female in this part)

** Trigger warnings: seductive behavior, implied sexual content, mentions of death.

** Trigger warnings: seductive behavior, implied sexual content, mentions of death

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Chapter XIV

With your heavy, sunken eyes you gazed at your notebook that was resting before you while your fingers held a pen in them, scribbling words against the pages. It'd been a while since you last wrote in your journal and you decided to take it up again. You'd been unable to talk to anyone about the subtle romance blossoming between you and Benny so you decided to vent through writing.

You used to go to Sarah about these things, but she was always with Erica and occupied by vampire things. Your lips parted as you continued writing, the crickets outside your room chirped along with the soft whistling of the wind. A gentle knock was heard against the outside of your bedroom door.

"Come in," You muttered and heard the door opening. You turned your head to see Benny revealed himself in your room, through the dim lights. You smiled softly and quickly closed your journal, slipping it away from you after you placed your pen atop it.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, casually. Truly, you didn't care why he came you were just glad to have him in around.

"I got the feeling you wanted to see me," He gave you a soft grin. You smiled in response and watched as he walked over to take a seat next to you at your desk. "So, what's up?" He reached out his hand to hold yours. You let your hand slip into his as your fingers entwined.

You swallowed thickly and stared at your hands before flickering your gaze up to his eyes. His light eyes found yours as he gently lifted his brows at your slightly anxious expression. His fingertips grazed over your bracelet that he conjured for you.

"What exactly are we, Benny?" You asked quietly, feeling your cheeks overwhelm with heat.

"What do you mean?" Benny released a nervous, breathy laugh. "You're my best friend."

"Yeah, I know," You nodded gently and used your free hand to scratch the side of your head. "But are we anything more than that?"

Benny's lips curved into a smug grin as stared at you. You were far too nervous to look him in the eyes, he seemed to enjoy that type of effect he had on you. You glanced at him quickly before looking down at your hands. He was gleaming with admiration as he stared at you.

"We can be," He pushed his chair closer to yours. "If you're ready." You glanced up at him, this time for longer and gave him a soft smile. He knew you too well and you weren't sure if you should be scared of that or welcome the sensation.

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