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Description: Jesse returns after being stuck inside the Cubile Animus for a year's time.
(Y/N will be written as a female in this part)

** Trigger warnings: graphic violence, mentions of blood, gore, etc. Read at your own risk.

 Read at your own risk

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Chapter VIII

With the back of your head resting against the arm of the couch, your head was turned to face the TV. Your legs were stretched out, your toes poking gently at the side of Ethan's thigh, unintentionally. You felt yourself getting lost in your thoughts as you examined the screen of the television. Benny sat himself down against the back of the couch, looking out the window as he waited for your pizza to be delivered

"Of course, the one time we get free pizza is when your mom is treating us!" Benny spoke, turning his head to look at Ethan. You turned your gaze to look up to Benny with a furrow in your brow.

"The guy still has 2 minutes and 49 seconds," You looked at the watch which was upon your wrist.

"Pfft! Zero chance in that rust bucket," Benny chuckled and looked between the two of you. "Which reminds me, limo or jet packet?"

"What?" Ethan furrowed his brow. You gave him a confused look as well.

"Our ride to the Fly Off to the Moon dance. You know my pick, but do you think the chicks will dig a stretch?" Benny looked at you and then towards Ethan.

"What chicks?" Ethan squinted his eyes.

"As one of the fellow birds, I'd say your idea is faulty," You spoke, moving your body so you'd sit more comfortably against the couch, your back leaning against the arm of the couch as your knees were clutched at your chest.

"Jet pack it is," Benny nodded with his lips pressed together.

"Benny, I think I'm out," Ethan released a soft sigh.

You nodded in agreement, "Yeah, me too."

"What? Guys, we've gotta go! Party, possible chicks.. jet packs!" Benny whined as he stood from the way he sat behind the sofa and looked between the two of you.

"I don't know, Benny," You sighed softly.

"Ever since we dug up the Cubile Animus and Sarah got possessed and trashed the house, I've kind of felt like laying low," Ethan's head was turned to look at Benny who was still stood behind the couch.

"You can lay low when you're dead. These are the best years of our lives," Benny spoke with persuasion.

"Really?" Ethan raised a brow.

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