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Description: Mutant alligators take over Whitechapel's sewer system.
(Y/N will be written as a female in this part)

** Trigger warnings: graphic violence, mentions of blood, mentions of anxiety, etc.

** Trigger warnings: graphic violence, mentions of blood, mentions of anxiety, etc

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Chapter XI

Rummaging through your locker, you stood on your tiptoes to reach for your literature textbook. Once you retrieved it, you held it close against your chest and kicked your locker shut, creating a metal clank that cringed your ears.

You heard laughter amongst the hallway and furrowed your brow, lips formed into a frown. You peered down the hall to see Benny and Ethan with their hair looking as though it was greased, flattened against their heads. They were walking towards you with shameful expressions.

"Nice look guys," Rory walked up from behind you as you stood beside your locker, holding your books in your right arm.

"What happened?" You asked, cocking a brow and lookinng between them.

"The shower cut out before we could rinse. Our whole street lost water pressure," Ethan grumbled. You noticed Benny was toying with his hair, a pout to his lips.

"You were both in the shower at the same time?" Rory asked with a growing smile.

"Different showers, Rory, different!" Ethan emphasized, making you chuckle under your breath.

"Well, I was actually in the middle of this deep conditioning treatment," Benny mentioned and looked between the three of you as he noticed all the confused gazes. "People aren't just born with hair this thick and shiny, alright?" He spoke in defense. You laughed softly and noticed a girl walking by who gave a look of disgust towards the four of you.

"There is no one at this school who's got it worse than us," Ethan released a gently sigh.

"Not true," You shook your head, "Erica's toying with the freshmen as we speak."


Standing beside Benny and Ethan in your home economics class, you stared at the unboiled macaroni that Ethan dumped into a pot. You were stood on the right side of Benny as Ethan was on his left. Toying with the sapphire bracelet along your wrist, you looked back at your teacher, Mrs. Oppenheimer.

"Noodles. Cheap, easy noodles," She held up a pack of macaroni, walking about the class. "Learning to boil noodles is good because some of you will be living alone for a long time," She looked back at you, Benny and Ethan making you cringe softly and turn back to look at your best friends.

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