Ch 2: Washington Bc

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Everyone's outside as a building Is on fire

In the burning building

A mom and son try and escape as the fire stops them as part of the roof goes to fall on them till they feel nothing to look and see Swampfire holding it up

Kid: woah who are you?

Swampfire: the names Swampfire and this is my friend Heatblast. We're here to help

Swampfire throws the debris away

Swampfire: Heatblast absorb the fire near the door

Heatblast nods as he absorbs it as they make it into that hall

Heatblast: this way

The stairs crumble

Heatblast: ok nevermind

Heatblast and Swampfire look behind them to see a blocked window so Heatblast grabs the mom and kid to cause a fire nado and busts outside setting them down as Swampfire leaps out and lands on the ground as he look over to see Heatblast talking to the kid

Heatblast: a golden sumo slammers card! Where'd you get it? I've been looking all over for one of those!

Kid: it was a prize inside a box of sumo smack cereal

Swampfire: (whistles to get Heatblasts attention)

Heatblast looks over to see the rustbucket

Gwen: yo super doofus the fire was a diversion to cover up a jewelry store robbery. The bad guys are getting away!

Swampfire heads inside the rustbucket as Heatblast follows as the rustbucket drives off

In the city

A car zooms by as the rustbucket tails it as the robbers share a questioned look

In the rustbucket

Max smells the air to look over as Heatblast rides Shotgun as smoke Is coming off

Max: knew I should have bought those asbestos seat covers when I had the chance

Heatblast: sorry grandpa I can't help it..I'm hot

Swampfire: you already cracked that joke like 3 times already it's not funny anymore

Gwen sprays Heatblast with the fire extinguisher

Gwen: 10 superheroes on that stupid watch and you pick one with the flaming butt? At least y/n chose something that doesn't burn his only problem with that alien is smelling bad

Heatblast: jealous?

Gwen: (grunts)

Gwen go's to spray him again as he moves his arm

As the rustbucket continues to chase it Swampfire pops out to Chuck seeds Farr ahead as vines pop out for Heatblast to throw a fire ball at the back popping the wheels as they crash into the vines

As the rustbucket stops Heatblast and Swampfire walk up yo both sides and rip the doors off

Heatblast: unless you want a permanent sun burn hands against the wall!

They climb out and stand next to each other and put their hands against the wall while facing it

Swampfire: you punks picked the wrong time to be bad-

They both time out and transforms back into themselves

Y/n: guys

The robbers turn around to see y/n and ben

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