Ch 24: Freaked out

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At a park

A kid climbs up a tree and grabs his Frisbee to look down and screams

Kid: help I can't get down!

???: kid relax and look at me

The kid opens his eyes to look and see

The kid opens his eyes to look and see

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Kid: who are you?

Brainstorm: I am Brainstorm, I can help you. First you need to relax and try not to freak out ok?

The kid nods as Brainstorm opens his head to reveal his brain as electricity goes up and forms a bubble around the kid and slowly brings him down from the tree and releases him as as the kid grabs his Frisbee and runs off as Brainstorm walks away and hides to change back into y/n as we walks back towards the rustbucket as he hears a voice to look around then shrugs it off

Later that night y/n and ben had a nightmare as y/n jolts up Ben falls out of his bed

In the morning

The rustbucket drives over a bridge

In the rustbucket

Hope is taking a nap on the top bunk as y/n is taking a shower as he sighs as carnage comes out

Carnage: I know about that nightmare you had y/n

Y/n: I know but it actually spooked me it was like an evil Brainstorm...he threatened me

Carnage: if it means anything I'll be by your side 100% of the way

Y/n: thanks

All the sudden y/n hears

Gwen: give it back dweeb! You'd better not do anything to embarrass me on the tour of the campus

Ben: don't get your shorts in a twist. I'll be on my best behavior

Gwen: why doesn't that make me feel better?

Y/n turns off the shower, dries off and puts his clothes on to walk out with carnage coming out of his shoulder

Carnage: probably because Ben is what you call "a dweeb" and a troll...(gasp) a dwoll!

Ben sticks his tongue out at carnage as carnage growls

Y/n: ok that's enough you two!

Y/n walks over and sits down on the couch to open the drawer near his leg and rubs the pot as Desiree comes out

Desiree: come to make a wish y/n

Y/n: eh cut the wish thing for the week you deserve a break and a stretch

Desiree: hmmm a break...don't think I've taken one of those in years not to mention ok

Desiree sits on the couch

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