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Everyone starts suiting up and gettingready as y/n helps finish rockets gun as the melano arrives to the planet known as Xandar as they enter the planet to see Ronans ship and soldiers ships attacking as the police known as the Nova Corp is struggling to fight back as y/n walks over to the ships door

Rocket: kid what the hell are ya doin?!

Y/n: I'm gonna help fight against Ronan by taking out those tiny ships

Looma: your outnumbered!

Y/n: nah, I overpower them. Take down his ship I'll help out the resistance of this planet

Y/n opens the exit as y/n activates the ultimatrix and transforms into

Y/n opens the exit as y/n activates the ultimatrix and transforms into

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Hydra: ROOOOOAAAR!!!!!

Hydra flies around assisting the planets resistance as it flies around eating, exploding, malfunctioning and freezing the ships as the main ship opens fire upon Hydra as it dodges the blasts

In ronans ship

The melano enters the vehicle bay as starlord, looma, attea,rocket, groot exit the ship as it closes and flies off to help take out Hydra

Starlord: remember the plan

Rocket: yeah yeah find Ronan and take him out before he decimates this planet

They team runs through the ship as they stop as an army stands there waiting for them as groot extends his arm stabbing some killing them as looma rushea up with her hammer and knocks them around killing them as she and groot finish the soldiers off as they proceed forward as they reach the bridge as they see Ronan stand before them as he turns around to see starlord, looma, attea, rocket and groot


Hydra flies around dodging blasts as the main ship hits him causing Hydra to fly and crash to the ground as he changes into y/n

Y/n: oh man that hurt

All the sudden y/n turns around to see ronans soldiers standing there ready to open fire

Soldier: stand down now and maybe lord Ronan will spare you

Y/n: hm's feeding time

Carnage forms over y/n and roars charging at the soldiers killing every single one as 2 ships come in to attack carnage for carnage to attach a tendril and bring one to the ground as he grabs the other and swings it crashes into the ground and roars in Victory as he forms inside y/n as y/n uses the ultimatrix and transforms into an alien

On Ronans ship

Ronan: I see you returned to meet your doom red wind

Looma: you'll pay for what you did to father and my people!

Ronan: yes their screams were pitiful, and your father...hmhmhm I enjoyed hearing his screams

Looma screams and rushes Ronan only to be blasted back as starlord takes the gun from rocket and shoots Ronan leaving nothing but smoke as it clears to reveal Ronan getting up

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