GOTG pt 2

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The melano is flying through space as y/n is chatting with the team

Y/n: ok so I have a plan while me, Nebula and t'challa are talking with thr collector rocket will sneak in and place his bomb destroying almost everything in his museum

Rocket: I like that plan

T'challa: he'll most likely have guards outside

Y/n: that's where groot and looma come in to play as they'll cause a distraction. Yondu you and Kraglin will stay on the melano in case we need a quick escape and one question...what place is called nowhere

They arrive as y/n heads up to thr pilot area and sees

They arrive as y/n heads up to thr pilot area and sees

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Y/n: ok so that's nowhere

In nowhere

Y/n, Nebula and t'challa are walking around as y/n is carrying the box as they see looma and groot as the 2 clash and cause a fight as they see the guards rush over as the 3 sneak in as they see the collector

Y/n, Nebula and t'challa are walking around as y/n is carrying the box as they see looma and groot as the 2 clash and cause a fight as they see the guards rush over as the 3 sneak in as they see the collector

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Y/n: your the collector I presume?

Collector: yes, I've come to guess you wanted to do business

Y/n: yeah there's something in this box we needed to know what it does

The collector opens the box and smirks

Collector: it is the reality stone, controls all reality

Y/n: is there a way to control it?

Collector: it'd be impossible to make something to hold a powerful stone like the reality stone, how much do you want for it?

Y/n: bro not for sale we just need to find a stone to counter the power stone

Collector: that's tough then, the power stone is significantly stronger than the reality

Y/n & nebula: what?!

Collector: yeah, I'm willing to take it off your hands

Y/n looks around and sees prisoners

Y/n: mind telling me why a museum has people in cages?

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