Ch 6: tourist trap

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On the rustbucket

Ben smudges his face against the glass making weird faces with a kid in a car next to the rustbucket

Y/n: ya know I'd warn your face may freeze like that

Gwen: but in your case I'd consider it would be an improvement

Ben looks as the kid eat a burger and chews it up to stick his tongue out revealing it all mushed up

Ben: ew the seafood special...time to pull out the big guns

Ben holds up his finger making him signaling to give him a minute

Y/n: ben I'm warning you, that's a bad idea. He's just a kid you don't wanna give him nightmares

Ben ignores y/n as he uses the omnitrix and transforms into Stinkfly to go up to the window and makes weird faces as the kid screams foe the driver to look and see Stinkfly to speed off past the rustbucket as Stinkfly falls to the ground laughing as y/n gets up to clean his plate after eating breakfast

Gwen: there is a thing as taking a joke to far ya know

Y/n is cleaning his hands with a towel as he hears Stink laughing to see him squirt goo in Gwen's seat as y/n acts fast and tosses a towel under Gwen saving her butt from the goo

Stinkfly: aw y/n c'mon!

Y/n: not letting you get away with stuff like that Ben. Besides that wasn't funny

Stinkfly: impossible funny is funny

Max: may wanna get up here

Max slams on the breaks as Stinkfly slides and crashes up to the front

Max: oh good, your all ready to go. We have trouble ahead

They see a guy stuck in a truck as fire grows closer to the truck

Max: if that propane He's hauling catches on fire, that truck will become a rocket to the moon

Y/n activates the ultimatrix

Y/n: c'mon give me someone good please!

Y/n slams his hand on the dial transforming into

Y/n slams his hand on the dial transforming into

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Neptune: NNNNEPTUNE!!!!!

Neptune and Stinkfly exit the rustbucket to rush over to the truck

Neptune: Stinkfly help me take out the fire!

Stinkfly shoots goo at the fire as Neptune sprays water as the fire goes out as Neptune rips the door open and offers his hand

Neptune: c'mon let's get you out of here incase the tank goes boom

The trucker takes Neptune's hand as he's helped out

Kid: aaah! That was the monster that ate that kid!

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