Ch 22: tough luck

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Few days later

In prison

Purple explosions happen as each police guard gets sent back crashing into a wall as thr smoke clears to reveal

Purple explosions happen as each police guard gets sent back crashing into a wall as thr smoke clears to reveal

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(Note: Charmcaster will be 11 at this time)

Charmcaster pulls out an energy orb looking thing as she uses it to blast her way out of prison as she makes a pit stop and busts a door open to reveal hex

Hex: Charmcaster I've been waiting

Charmcaster: hmm, major jail breaks aren't exactly easy to pull off you know

Hex: you will show me respect my dear niece, or you will suffer the consequences

Charmcaster: yes, sir

Hex:, my staff!

Charmcaster pulls out his staff out of her little bag

Charmcaster: your staff must be drained or something but I swear it's not my fault

Hex: it's powers can be brought to life only in the hands of a master magician

Hex blasts 2 cops behind Charmcaster

Hex: now to find thr keystone. The moment of alignment is nearly upon us

Hex looks at the wall to his right and blasts it open

Hex: once I've completed the ritual and gain it's powers, I shall take my revenge on the one responsible for imprisoning me in this festering sewer

On a road A bus I'd slowly falling off a cliff next to the road till it jerks for them to look and see

On a road A bus I'd slowly falling off a cliff next to the road till it jerks for them to look and see

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Crusher: don't worry I got you

Fourarms opens the back door

Fourarms: it's ok everyone your ok now

Fourarms helps everyone off as crusher checks to see if everyone's off as Fourarms backs everyone away as crusher sits the bus on the road and uses his hammer as a golf club and whacks the bus sending it far as it crashes and explodes

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