Ch 33: The Negative 10 pt 2

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Ben and everyone stares in shock

Ben: animo, sublimino, the circus freaks, Clancy, Rojo, kangaroo commando and hex?

Y/n: wait wait wait who's sublimino and kangaroo commando?

Gwen: long story short sublimino can control minds and kangaroo commando is very agile

Y/n: man your telling me you got new enemies without me? Damn that's cold

Cooper: who are the metal heads?

Y/n: must be the forever knights

Ben: what's with the capes and the horns on that one guy?

Hope: maybe when we took out Enoch he became their new leader

Grandpa max: or maybe Enoch wad never really in charge

Rojo, hex and Clancy come down as Rojo tries to shoot the rustbucket only to deflect and hit her then Clancy tries only to be electrocuted so hex charges up his staff and blasts a beam at the rustbucket moving it back some

In the rustbucket y/n suits up as he reaches into a drawer to pull out a lamp as he rubs it for Desiree to come out

Y/n: we may need your assistance

Desiree: I cant-

Y/n: fuck the rules! As far as I'm concerned no one controls in what you do! We need your help because there's 11 bad guys out there

All the sudden they hear a roar

Y/n: make it twelve...look the bad guys out there if they got their hands on you they'd use you for worse things I could wish for so either help us fight or just go back into your lamp because I think we could use some extra hands

Desiree stares at y/n and thinks


Rojo, Clancy and hex walks up to the rustbucket

Forever king: no! Don't open the vehicle!

Kevin lands behind the 3 villains as he rips it open for Clancy to attack with bugs as nothing happens

Rojo: we've been punked!

Hex uses his staff and throws the grenade away as it explodes

Hex: they're here somewhere!

In the woods nearby

Grandpa max: better go before they find us

Y/n looks at Desiree next to him

Y/n: smart choice

Desiree: yeah well you convinced me

They turn around and see

Zombozo: who's ready for the next act? I have a very special trick for the likes you you brats

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Zombozo: who's ready for the next act? I have a very special trick for the likes you you brats

Desiree: everyone go...I'll deal brother

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