Ch 29: Don't Drink The Water

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In China town at night

In a magic store

Shop owner: you have tried every potion, tried my most special herbs. I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do to stop you from getting older

Hex: you will be very sorry if you cannot help me

Shop owner: well there is a bright side. Chew this and you'll regrow hair (sits some chips down)

Hex: meton weights!!!!

Hex uses magic to lift the shop owner into the air

Hex: lucky girl did not take all my strength. I want my power. I want my youth. Give it to me!

Hex drops the shop owner as the shop owner shows a vial

Shop owner: the fountain of youth. I have only a drop left but I know where you can find more

Hex drinks the water as he grows younger

Hex: this is only the beginning! Now tell me where I can find more!

At a attraction

Y/n, attea, hope, gwen and ben follow max as they get a tour around a attraction for Christopher Columbus as y/n is reading a comic which is Marvel:SECRET WARS as attea stops y/n for a second

Attea: shouldn't you pay attention y/n?

Y/n: nah I know this already but it's new news to you. So if you want me to pay attention as well I will

Y/n closes the comic and follows as the 2 catch up to see ben aiming a watergun at gwen

Ben: I got you beat

Grandpa max: I heard that!, what'd you say about me having lead feet?

Ben: told ya

Ben sprays gwen as the 2 run off

Y/n: what was that?

Hope: ben saying grandpa is old, grandpa says something similar and ben sprays gwen

Attea: let's get after them

The 3 chase after them as they catch up to hear ben talking to grandpa max

Ben: ya know they say old people need to stay inside in the summer. You should go into the rustbucket and cool off

Y/n punches bens shoulder

Ben: ow! Hey!

Grandpa max: who are you calling old?

Attea: ben meant age challenged

Grandpa smirks

Grandpa: I found another way to cool off

Grandpa walks off as y/n, ben, attea, gwen and hope follows grandpa max to see a dunk tank

Grandpa max: 1 ticket please

Guy: sorry this booth is out of order

Grandpa max: oh, looks fine to me. C'mon let my grandkids take a couple throws. They need to see I'm not some old fuddy duddy

Grandpa gives the guy a few bucks and gets in the tank as the gut gives 3 balls to y/n, ben and attea

Guy: 3 throws each

Ben throws and misses, attea throes and just barley hits it but misses

Guy: you all must go now!

Y/n: chill dude, still my turn

Y/n looks at the hole gets into a position and throws it hard into the hole dunking Grandpa max

Guy: no no no!

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