Ch 31: ready to rumble

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At a park

Ava, max, gwen and ben race down a hill towards y/n as ben slides by y/n as thr other 3 stop infront of him

Y/n: we have a winna!

Ben: that was fun! Let's try the bigger hill this time

Gwen, Ava, Max and y/n see a tall hill

Gwen: I think sitting on that ice gave you a brain freeze. It's gonna take you forever to carry your block up there

Ben: Don't you ever get tired of Being wrong?

Ben transforms into xlr8 and races up to sit on the block and pushes himself off as he zooms by as he flies by them

Y/n: woah! Hahaha go ben!

Ava: shouldn't we go after him?

Y/n: yeah probably, we'll see you 2 back at the rustbucket

Y/n and ava run after ben as they see him slide and stop infront of a mother and a kid

Kid: mom? Why'd the weird Animal with a tail wet itself?

Xlr8 looks down then back up as he activates his mask as he looks behind him to see y/n and ava laughing as he sighs

At night

Hope and attea are cuddling up to y/n on the couch as grandpa max is washing dishes, ava is taking a nap and ben is on Gwen's computer

Gwen: what are you doing?

Ben: is that a trick question? I'm gonna go online and check out the new sumo slammers blog

Gwen: not without asking me first. That's my new computer

Ben: ok. Can I use your computer?

Gwen: no way!

Ben: see? That's why I didn't ask

Ben does something as his eyes widen and goes into the bathroom

Y/n: (mumbles) please tell me your not doing the "thing" ben...

Gwen: ben my whole life is on that drive!

Ben: (muffled) just one minute

Grandpa max walks over

Grandpa max: ben you should be more responsible...I mean look at what happened at the park

Ben peaks out

Ben: let's hang out as a family. You can pick anything this time Gwen

Gwen: anything?

1 hour later

Gwen, ben, y/n, hope and max walk out

Ben: why didn't ava or attea come to this poetry night thing?

Y/n: avas exhausted and attea wanted look for new clothes online

Ben sees a poster says "wrestle to the top and win $10,000. Go solo or bring a partner"

Ben: welp it's getting late. We better get back and get to bed

Grandpa max: really they have a great old sawmill here. I was hoping we'd check it out

Ben drags Grandpa max and gwen back to the rustbucket

Hope: what was that about?

Y/n: no clue...but I don't like it

Hours later

Ben sneaks out of bed and out of the rustbucket

Y/n: where you going do late at night?

Ben jumps but tries not to scream

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