you belong with me

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"being annoying. singing in harmony"


Sirius wore shaded sunglasses. He sat in his chair next to Avalon's and he leaned back. In Potions class, they were required to 'mingle' with other houses, and luckily for Sirius, Avalon was in a different house.

"Don't know why you let me drink that much," he muttered. Avalon was sitting straight and taking notes diligently, while Sirius didn't even bother to take his books out of his bag.

"You chugged the Firewhiskey before I could get it out of your hands and then you pushed me out of the way before I could stop you from drinking any more," she deadpanned. "I tried to stop you."

"It was totally worth it though," Sirius laughed, folding his arms in front of his chest. "I threw up in the dorm, once you left, and it went everywhere. James had to clean it up. Bless his soul."

"Don't know why he's friends with an idiot like you," Avalon mocked.

"He's an idiot too. We're kind of like an idiot group, and idiot club," the dark-haired boy explained. "The Idiot Alliance. The Idiot Society? The Idiot Allegiance-"

"Okay, stop it. You've done enough," she huffed, feigning annoyance. "Get out your books and take your notes."

"My dearest, Avalon, you should know by now that I don't take notes," said Sirius. "At least not in Potions. I'm awesome at that. And you can do all the work."

"You're a horrible friend," Avalon laughed, shaking her head.

"You're an even worse one," he commented lightly, causing Avalon to laugh quietly. She faced forward again and Sirius leaned forward in his chair so all four legs of the chair were on the ground again.

Despite his previous words, Sirius began to open his satchel and dump some parchment and quills onto the desk as some kind of attempt to 'get out his books and take his notes'.

He propped one of his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hand. Sirius' other hand subtly reached out and his pointer finger twirled around a strand of Avalon's long hair, knotting it a bit.

Avalon felt a nice tugging on her hair. She knew it was Sirius.

If she was being honest, Avalon's always fancied Sirius Black. But over the years, she just managed to hide it better. There was just no point in trying to fancy her best friend, but it didn't stop her from doing it.

"Will you stop that?" the blonde snapped, trying to stop herself from blushing. Avalon held her hand to the side of her face, somewhat covering her face from Sirius' view.

"But I'm hungover, Av," Sirius whispered, leaning closer so Professor Slughorn, their Potions professor, couldn't hear them. "I should get some kind of privilege. At least more than I normally get."

"You were the one who decided to drink on a school night," Avalon huffed, "not me."

"Exactly," he insisted. "You're not hungover at all. You're completely sober and well. You're my best friend."

"Stop stating things and get to the point," she demanded. Sirius gently tugged on Avalon's hair and he shifted around. Sirius let go of her hair and leaned his head against her shoulder, sending tingles down Avalon's spine.

"You need to take care of me," Sirius stated. "I'm your best friend. Best friends take care of each other."

"And when have you ever taken care of me, exactly?" Avalon asked.

"When- when... that's not important. What's important is that you need to take care of me until I'm not hungover anymore," he whined. "My bestest friend in the whole world. My favorite secret blood traitor. My dear, sweet Avalon-"

deja vu - sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now