Chapter Two

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A news report plays. The NEWSCASTER talks over archival footage of Batman in action.

NEWSCASTER: It is now ten years since the last reported sighting of the costumed vigilante known as the Batman. Many believe his retirement was due to an expose published by Gotham Globe reporter Alexander Knox, claiming that Batman was actually billionaire socialite Bruce Wayne.

Archival footage of ALEXANDER KNOX (60) at a press conference.

NEWSCASTER: Mr. Wayne himself refused to confirm or deny the story. When we asked Dick Grayson, better known as Robin, a former companion of the Dark Knight, if the rumors were true, he had this to say.

Interview footage of DICK GRAYSON, African-American, mid-40s.

DICK: Was Bruce Batman? Some playboy who never worked a day in his life moonlighting as the world's greatest detective? Come on. Doesn't sound very likely, does it?

Footage of police clashing with violent gangs in the street.

NEWSCASTER: All we know for sure is that Batman is no longer Gotham's protector, even though now is the time that the city may need him the most. This is an excerpt from a video sent earlier today to all major networks from the gang boss known as the Mutant Leader.

The video cuts to a grainy shot of a dark figure sitting at a table. Only his red glowing eyes and the shine of his sharp teeth are visible. The MUTANT LEADER (muscular, in his twenties) speaks in a deep, guttural voice.

MUTANT LEADER: Gotham City is dying. The city is rotten to its core and must be destroyed. Anyone found on the streets after dark in our territory will share that fate. The future belongs to the Mutants.


A dirty, dimly-lit street in the bad part of town. Two teenage girls walk briskly past a train station. In the background the towers of downtown loom. Gotham has become a neon Gothic nightmare.

Stephanie Brown, now 17 going on 18, has dark, reddish hair and a small but muscular body. Her girlfriend is JOURNEY, 17, full figured with curly hair. Journey keeps looking back over her shoulder nervously.

JOURNEY: How much further is it?


JOURNEY: I don't know why we came this way, anyway.

STEPHANIE: Because it's the quickest way to the arcade.

JOURNEY: Quickest way to get raped and murdered.

Stephanie comes to a stop and squeezes her hand reassuringly.

STEPHANIE: Don't worry, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.

Journey gives her a half-hearted smile. They resume walking.

They pass by a dark alleyway. Two MUTANTS (late teens) exit the alley and start following the girls. One of the Mutants lets out a creepy giggle.

JOURNEY: Oh shit, Stephanie.

STEPHANIE: I know. Just keep walking. Don't look back.

The Mutants gain on them. The older, bigger one speaks first.

MUTANT #1: Chicka, chicka. Two little chicks lost in the bad part of town.

The other Mutant runs in front of them and blocks their route. The girls stop walking. Journey looks scared out of her mind but Stephanie is defiant.

STEPHANIE: We're not lost.

MUTANT #2: Then you must be suicidal. Two pretty things like you. Bad things can happen to you here. Parts get cut off.

He takes out a knife.

JOURNEY: Stephanie...

STEPHANIE: Why don't you try it, asshole?

The second Mutant laughs. Then he lunges at her with the knife.

Stephanie pushes Journey safely out of the way. She sidesteps the lunge and then kicks the Mutant in the ribs. He goes down with an "oof", dropping the knife.

The first Mutant looks astonished that someone fought back.

MUTANT #1: Shouldn't have done that, chicka.

He grabs Journey. She screams.

STEPHANIE: Let her go.

MUTANT #1: Why would I do that? You want her, come and get her.

The first Mutant is starting to get up. Stephanie kicks him in the face and takes his knife before he can grab it. She points the knife at the one holding Journey.

STEPHANIE: Last chance.

Journey looks at Stephanie, her eyes wide.

JOURNEY: Are you crazy?

MUTANT #1: I like this chick! But I'm still gonna kill your girl.

His hand starts to tighten around Journey's throat.

Before Stephanie can act, several other figures step out of the shadows. They are dressed in furry cat outfits, complete with tails and ears. They are the CATPEOPLE GANG.

The CATPEOPLE GANG LEADER (20, male) approaches the Mutant holding Journey.

CATPEOPLE GANG LEADER: This our territory, Mutie. You better move on.

The Mutant lets go of Journey. She runs to join Stephanie, her whole body shaking.

MUTANT #1: You're mistaken, kittycat. We own this place now.

The Catpeople Gang Leader hisses at the Mutant.

Mutant #2 finally gets off the ground and joins his fellow gang member. The two gangs face off. Stephanie and Journey run away, unnoticed.

They stop running once they are safely around the corner. They catch their breath.

STEPHANIE: Goddamnit, that was incredible! Did you see those freaking furries?

Journey is crying and angry.

JOURNEY: What is wrong with you? We almost died, and you think it was fun?

Stephanie puts a hand on Journey's back.

STEPHANIE: I'm sorry. I meant what I said. I'd never let anyone hurt you.

JOURNEY: You can't fight everyone. Sometimes it's better to run.

STEPHANIE: You know, things wouldn't be this shitty if the Batman was still around.

JOURNEY: Not the Batman again. That guy is old and lame.

STEPHANIE: No, he's a great hero. And I bet wherever he is he still wants to protect us.

JOURNEY: Well, he's not here now.

She takes out her phone.

STEPHANIE: What are you doing?

JOURNEY: Calling my mom to come pick me up.

STEPHANIE: But I thought we were going to have a fun night together.

JOURNEY: I can't do this anymore, Steph.

Stephanie nods sadly.

STEPHANIE: Put your phone away. I'll walk you home.

She looks back over her shoulder.

STEPHANIE: Um, the long way this time.

They turn and walk back, avoiding the gang territory. The sounds of sirens and gunfire can be heard in the distance.

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