Chapter Fifteen

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Batman and Stephanie approach the building. Batman surveys the roof. He takes out his grappling gun and fires it at the roof. It catches on the edge.

Stephanie takes out her homemade grappling hook on a rope. She tries to throw it up on the roof but it falls short.

BATMAN: Need a hand?

STEPHANIE: I got this.

Batman presses a button on his grappling gun and it pulls him up and away. Stephanie swings the rope again.


Stephanie climbs up the rope and makes it to the top of the building. She lays on the roof, out of breath.

STEPHANIE: That was a lot...harder than it looks.

Batman leans over her.

BATMAN: Come on.

She gets up and follows him to a glass section set in the roof. They look down and see the gangs of Gotham gathered in a large, empty room, covered in graffiti. There are about a hundred gang members in attendance.

The gangs include:





THE T'S (they all have T's painted in their forehead)

Standing at the front of the room is the Mutant Leader and his minions. Stephanie's face twists in anger at the sight of him.

Down below, the Mutant Leader addresses the other gang members.

MUTANT LEADER: We have fought amongst our selves for too long. Now it is time for us to join forces and rule this city.

There is an equal mix of boos and cheers from the crowd.

MUTANT LEADER: The Scarecrow is bringing fear to the elite of Gotham. We should pick off the rest. The Batman is too scared to come back and protect them. They are weak. We took their Mayor without a struggle. This city is ours!

The leader of the T's, FAT T (a big man in his 20s) steps forward.

FAT T: Why should we trust you? Too many of my brothers and sisters have the Mutants killed.

MUTANT LEADER: Why waste time fighting over territory and the past? Join us.

He grins.

MUTANT LEADER: What do you have to lose?

Fat T looks at his fellow gang members and shakes his head.

FAT T: The T's are out.


A SHORT MUTANT steps forward, carrying something large under a blanket. He presses something and the blanket disintegrates, revealing a minigun underneath.

Before the T's can react, they are all cut down in a hail of rapid gunfire.

Up above, Stephanie reacts with shock. Batman is unmoved.

The other gangs try to flee or draw their weapons, but the short Mutant trains his smoking gun on them.

MUTANT LEADER: The T's weren't so hot. I hope the rest of you will be smarter. Do you want to take this city together, or do you want to die?

One by one the gang members drop their weapons and bow down.

MUTANT LEADER: Good. The end of Gotham... begins now!

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