Chapter Sixteen

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The Mutant Leader stands over Batman, about to deliver the killing blow.

Suddenly headlights splash over him. The Batmobile screeches to a stop, colliding with the Mutant Leader. He flies back into a wall as the stunned gang members watch.

The canopy slides back and Stephanie looks down at Batman on the ground.


Batman gets to his feet, staring at her in disbelief. A Mutant tries to creep up behind him and he hits him with the back of his fist without turning around.

BATMAN: What do you think you're doing?

STEPHANIE: Nag later. Let's go.

Batman slowly climbs into the Batmobile, wincing in pain. The canopy slides closed just as the other gang members swarm around the vehicle.


Stephanie presses her foot on the accelerator. She looks out the cockpit of the Batmobile as it knocks several gang members out of the way.


The Mutant Leader gets up in time to see the Batmobile drive away.

MUTANT LEADER: Bring me my car! Go after them!

Several vehicles drive off. A large van, covered with disturbing graffiti, pulls up alongside the Mutant Leader. He gets in.


The Batmobile rockets away from the docks.

Inside, Batman looks at Stephanie as she drives.

BATMAN: How did you override the autodrive?

STEPHANIE: I have a full schematic of the Batmobile at home. It's amazing what you can find online. By the way, locking me in here was a dick move, Wayne.

Batman looks at her in surprise. He taps a screen and sees a rearview. Several cars are pursuing them, including the Mutant van.

BATMAN: They're following us.


He quickly makes a call. Commissioner Gordon comes on the screen.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: Bruce? What's going on? Who's that with you?

BATMAN: No time to explain. I'm sending you the coordinates for where they're keeping the Mayor. Should be minimal guards. Most of the gangs are following us.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: Got it. Do you need back up?

BATMAN: No. Talk to you later.

He ends the call and turns to Stephanie.

BATMAN: Why don't you let me drive?

STEPHANIE: I got this.

Outside, one of the gang member cars gains on the Batmobile. A JOKERZ MEMBER WITH A MACHINE GUN leans out the window and fires at the Batmobile. The Batmobile swerves, grazing a parked car.

Inside, Stephanie winces.

STEPHANIE: Okay, maybe you should drive.

They awkwardly swap seats. Batman takes over. He turns the steering wheel sharply.

The Batmobile turns down a side street. One of the pursuing cars can't make the turn in time and crashes into a building. The others vehicles continue their pursuit.

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