Chapter Fourteen

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Bruce is going over evidence in his study when he notices a breaking news report come on the TV. He turns the sound up.

NEWSCASTER: Again, breaking news tonight that Mayor Kane has gone missing. And just minutes ago we received this recorded message from the terrorist known as the Mutant Leader. Warning, this may be disturbing to some viewers.

The Mutant Leader appears on the screen, but this time he is not alone. Sitting next to him, tied up in a chair with a gag in his mouth, is the Mayor.

MUTANT LEADER: Gotham City, we have your Mayor. This is proof that no one is beyond our reach.

He takes out a long knife and holds it to the trembling Mayor's face.

MUTANT LEADER: He will be killed in four hours, unless our condition is met.

The Mayor grunts something behind his gag.

MUTANT LEADER: The Batman must return, tonight, to face me. If he is too afraid, then the Mayor will die.

Bruce turns off the TV. He rubs his forehead as if a headache is coming on.


Bruce walks down into the Batcave. He seems to be moving almost in a trance. He walks up the glass display tube where the Batsuit is kept.

Bruce suits up. He is a little slower putting everything on. We can see the effort.

Finally, he clicks the utility belt into place. His cowled face looks up.

Batman walks over to a large shape under tarpaulin. He pulls it off, revealing the Batmobile. The canopy of the Batmobile slides back, inviting him in.


Stephanie approaches the fence around Wayne manor again. She takes out a pair of wirecutters and a rope from her utility belt.

Suddenly she hears a roar. She runs along the fence towards the source of the sound. She stops at a hill where the fence slops downwards.

Below is a hidden tunnel. The Batmobile hurtles out of the opening.

STEPHANIE: Holy shit!

She watches in awe as the Batmobile hurtles away from her.


The video phone comes on as Batman drives. Commissioner Gordon's face appears on the screen.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: Bruce! You've heard the news?

BATMAN: I have.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: Wait. Why are you dressed like Batman?

BATMAN: Because it's time.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: What are you going to do?

BATMAN: Find the Mutants.


He looks at a screen on his console which shows lots of little dots on a map.

BATMAN: No. But I'm seeing a lot of cell phone activity tonight in an area near the docks that is supposed to be deserted.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: Since when do you know anything about cell phones?

Batman smirks.

BATMAN: Dick installed it for me a while back.

COMMISSIONER: Be careful. This is probably a trap. If you locate the Mayor, notify us. We don't need both of you winding up dead.

BATMAN: Trust me.

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