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Four days later
Y/n pov:
It's been four days since I've seen my daughter and Kobe and already I miss them both. I got a job at the restaurant down the street and I will say that I like it.

Every since that night Kobe and I made out, I couldn't stop thinking about how soft and delicious his lips were. He was always an amazing kisser which I loved and I missed the feeling.

I walked in the kitchen, feeling a little tired since I came home from work late last night. I was in my pajamas while Tiffany was all dressed up.

"Morning," she said.


"Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes please."

I sat down at the table while Tiffany fixed me a cup of coffee.

"Where are you off too?" I asked.

"A meeting boss always wants to schedule a meeting at the last minute."

"Well that's sucks."

"Tell me about it."

She handed me the cup of coffee and I took a sip of it. My phone on the table rung, which kinda scared me since it was Kobe calling. I sat the cup on the table then quickly answered the phone.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning..did you sleep well last night?"

"Yeah I did..did you?"

"For once I did but just called to ask if your available for today? Please say yes."

"I am," I laughed.

"Well you should come with me and Naomi to 6 flags today."

"I would love that."

"Okay pick you up in 30 minutes?"


I hung up the phone and quickly stood up from my chair.

"I gotta get ready."

"Well I should go anyways before I'm fired and have fun."

I smiled then rushed back into my bedroom.


After my shower I got dressed then slicked my hair in a ponytail. While I looked at myself in the mirror, my phone rang again and I knew it was Kobe. I answered the phone and I already heard Naomi in the back singing. She always had a beautiful voice.

"Yeah?" I said.

"I'm outside."

"I'll be out in a sec."

I hung the phone then grabbed what I needed which was my purse and jacket. After that I locked the door to the house and headed towards the car.

"Mommy!" I yelled Naomi in the backseat.

I opened the door to the side she was on then I leaned in to kiss her forehead.

"Hey babygirl."

I caressed her cheek then shut then door to get in the passenger seat.

"Hey," I said while putting on my seatbelt.


We smiled at each other but I also blushed as I looked at his lips. So bad I wanted to kiss him but I can't. I meant want I said about it only being about Naomi but I felt like I made a mistake too.

"Are you guys ready for 6 flags?" He asked.

"Yes!" Yelled Naomi.

Both Kobe and I laughed and he backed out of driveway onto the road.


Monroe pov:
I looked at myself in mirror for the third time today. I turned to the side, placed one hand at the top of my stomach and placed the other at the bottom. My baby bump wasn't that big but you can tell that I'm pregnant.

After staring at my stomach for a couple of seconds I decided to call Jason again. I waited for him to answer the phone but he didn't. Every since we had sex he's been avoiding me and I want to know why.

I called him again, getting a bit upset and I wanted to throw my phone.

"Answer you piece of shit!" I yelled in the phone.

I heard the phone pick up and instantly I calmed myself down.

"What! I'm tired of you calling me every fucking day."

"I wouldn't have to call so many times if you answered the phone the first time."

"I'm busy and you should know that."

"Busy doing what? Selling drugs or doing them?"

"What I do is none of your business what do you want because I'm about to hang up."

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant and the baby is yours asshole."

"Haha that's baby must be your fiancés because it ain't mine."

"Yes it is Jason."

"Bullshit! We may have had sex but that baby isn't mine. For all I know you could've had sex with another dude because that's what you do and that's who you are..a whore."

"I've changed my ways a long time ago and-."

"If you changed your ways you would've never came begging for this dick of mines now don't call my phone again and I mean it."

Before I could say anything else, Jason hung up the phone and I was left feeling like someone had set me on fire. I threw my phone as hard as I could and scream to the top my lungs.

After I let my anger out, I placed my hands on the dresser and looked myself in the mirror. I took several deep breaths then looked down at my belly.

"It's okay little one...we don't need him..we have Kobe."

Drug & Love (short story)~Kobe MorrisWhere stories live. Discover now