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Y/n pov:
I was laying in bed, reading the book I've read multiple times while in rehab. I turned the page to see that I was on the last chapter and my phone began to ring on the night stand.

Kobe was calling me and I was confused because he normally calls me the day he's dropping Naomi off.


"Hey uh you want to come over for dinner?" He asked.

"Did you come up with this idea or did Naomi?" I joked.

"No...it was actually Monroe."

I widen my eyes in shock, couldn't believe that Monroe would want me over for dinner.

"Um sure I guess..what time should I come?"


"Okay well I'll see you tonight."


I hung up the phone, still in shock that Monroe insisted on inviting me to dinner. I looked at the time and it was 5:30 so I needed to hurry up and get myself ready.


I made it to Kobe's at seven o'clock sharp, walking up towards the door. I knocked on it twice, waiting for someone to open the door and I heard Monroe yelled coming.

She opened the door while stepping back to let me in.

"Glad you decided to come for dinner."

"Well thank you for wanting me to come over."

"No problem."

I sat my purse down to the table that was next to the door.

"Kobe is in Naomi's room if you want to talk to him but in the meantime I should be finishing cooking."

She walked back in the kitchen and I was hesitant before heading to the back to Naomi's room.

"Should I use purple or blue?" I heard Kobe asked.


I walked in her room then knocked on the door and they both looked at me.

"Mommy!" Yelled Naomi as she got up and ran towards me.

"Hey sweetie."

"Me and daddy are coloring together."

"Awh that's nice."


She went back over to her chair and Kobe dropped the crayon on the table.

"Hey," he said while smiling.


"You want to join us?"

"Sure why not."

I walked over to the table then sat down next to Naomi. She slid a picture of a colorless butterfly to me and grabbed a brown crayon first. For about a couple of minutes we colored our pictures in silence until we heard a knock at the door.

Drug & Love (short story)~Kobe MorrisWhere stories live. Discover now