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Kobe pov:
It's been three days since I kicked y/n out again and it's starting to weigh on me. Today is the day Naomi stays with her mother but now I have to break the news to her.

I walked in her room and watched her throw on her book bag.

"Is it time to go?" She asked.

"No baby girl you won't be able to see your mom today or...."

It was hard to explain to her that she wouldn't see her mom when the first time this happened and now it's even harder. I don't want Naomi to grow up hating her mother or forgetting her but y/n have put her in that position.

Looking at the way Naomi was staring me, took me back to that hard day.


After minutes of crying and thinking about what happened, I forgot my little girl was in her room drawing me a picture. I grabbed a couple of tissues from off the table and wiped away the tears. After getting myself together I headed to the back towards her room.

I heard her singing softy to herself which put a smile on face. For a three year old she has an amazing voice that I can listen to forever. If she becomes a singer in the future I wouldn't be surprised.

"Are you done with my drawing?" I asked as I approached her.

She didn't say anything beside continuing to color then she sat the crayon down, turning around to face me.


I laughed softly and took the drawing from from her and looked at it. She drew three stick people which I assumed it was her, me and her mother. In the background she tried to draw the house, including yard as well but overall the drawing was beautiful.

I was happy she drew such an amazing picture but it also made me sad that her mother isn't here to see it. Her mother wouldn't be here in general and all of sudden tears started to form in my eyes.

"Do you like it daddy?" She said.

"Yes yes I love it..you did an amazing job sweetie."

I wiped my tears and sat the picture back on the table then bent down onto one knee.

"Where is mommy..I want to show her my-my drawing."

"Mommy left," I said while moving a piece of hair from her face.


"Because mommy isn't herself and she needs the time alone to get back to normal....you probably won't see her again."

"I won't see her anymore?" She said while making her voice a little high.

I shook my head and watched a tear ran down her face.

"But..but I want to see mommy..I want her to come back."

She started to cry and took her into my arms, holding her tight while rubbing her back. I couldn't help myself but to feel her pain and also cry myself. I wanted to be strong and not act so soft around Naomi but at this moment it was hard to be strong.

It was hard to hide my emotions and feeling when I love y/n to death. I want her to get better and come back to us but I have a feeling she may not.

~end of flashback~

"Or what daddy?" She asked.

I realized I zoned off and didn't finish what I had to tell Naomi. I approached her then dropped down to her level.

"I'm not taking you to your mother's today baby girl."

"But why..I always got to mommy's."

"I know I know but you won't be able to see your mother."

"Is she not herself again?"


I stopped myself before telling Naomi the heartbreaking news. I don't want to put her through that pain again so I decided to not tell her the truth this time.

"Well mommy has to work everyday now and you won't be able to see her for awhile but you'll be able to see her soon."

"But I want to go see mommy," she said while pouting.

"I know you do but just not today okay."

She stomped over to her bed and sat down on it in angry way. I'll rather her be upset for a little then be sad everyday.


Monroe pov:
I was in the bedroom folding me and Kobe's clothes after I took them out the dryer. For the past three day I've felt good, knowing Kobe won't be seeing y/n again and now he can focus on me.

Every since y/n came along it's been all about her her her and not me me me. I need that attention too and now that I've gotten it, it's feels amazing.

Do I think he still thinks about y/n yes, do I think he'll continue to care for her no. I just know that my plans was an success and I've finally gotten Kobe to put his attention on me and this baby.

On the bed my phone began to ring and I seen who was calling me. It's was Jason so I quickly grabbed my phone to answer it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey...are you busy right now?" He asked.

"N-no I'm not why?"

"Because I need to talk to you."

"Okay....what do you need to talk about?"

"Come over...ion like talking on the phone."

"Whatever you need to tell me can be said on the phone Jason."

"Gah damn you so fucking annoying...just bring your ass over here or don't I don't care."

He hung up the phone before I could say anything and I was starting to get curious. Maybe he wants to be in the baby's life after all or he needs a favor.


Y/n pov:
"Why would you say that."

"Say what? Look she gonna come regardless and if she doesn't then she doesn't."

"I need her here Jason so if she isn't here by the next fifteen minutes your calling her again."

"No I'm not...if she doesn't come you better come up with another plan that doesn't involve me."

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch beside him. I don't want my plan to become a fail because Jason wants to be an ass. I want to see my Naomi and tell Kobe the truth and Jason is my only option.

"Look I'm sorry for that but Monroe is something else."

"She wasn't something else when you fucked around with her was she?"

"Nah..when I used to fuck with her she was different then..but when she got with ole dude she changed."

"Changed how."

"Let's just say home girl wasn't all that crazy like she is now."

I watched him picked up his blunt from the ash tray then grabbed his lighter. So bad wanted to take a hit of it but I pushed the cravings away and put my attention the tv.

Drug & Love (short story)~Kobe MorrisWhere stories live. Discover now