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Y/n pov:
I pulled up to Kobe's house, noticing that there were no cars in the driveway.

"Well sweetie..I don't think no one is home," I said while looking back at Naomi.

"So that means I can stay with you for one more night!"

"Um I don't know let me call your dad."

I grabbed my phone from out of the cup holder and called Kobe.

"Hey what's up?"

"Hey um are you home?" I asked.

"No I'm working all night why is Monroe not home?"

"No I don't see her car in the driveway."

Kobe sighed and I heard someone pulling up behind me.

"Never mind I think this is her that just pulled up."

"Are you sure?"

I looked at the rear view mirror closely and Monroe got out of the car.

"Yeah it's her."

"Okay well I gotta get back to to you later?"


I hung up the phone then shoved it in my pocket. As I got out of the car, Monroe approached me with a big smile on her face.

"Hey sorry if I had you waiting," she said.

"No no it's fine..I just got here."


I walked over to the other side of the car and Naomi opened the car door.

"Y/n why don't you come in and we can maybe talk."

"Uh okay..that's fine."

I closed the car door and followed both Naomi and Monroe towards the house. Monroe pulled out her keys and unlocked the door, pushing the door wide opened.

"Oh shoot I forgot my you can head in and I'll be right back."

I nodded and walked in the house while closing the door behind me. Naomi ran to the back to her room and I sat down on the soft couch. I looked over at the table where the picture frames were and I realized the ones with me in them were gone.

"Oh I keep forgetting to take it easy on myself," Monroe said while coming in the house.

"Yeah," I said awkwardly.

I watched Monroe sat her bag on the counter that was next to the door. She rubbed her bump while smiling to herself which made a knot form in my stomach.

"Would you like a drink?"

"No no no I don't drink."

"You quit drinking too or you just don't drink."

"Um I just don't drink why?"

"Oh I don't know..a woman like you I thought you'd drink."

"A woman like me?" I said while frowning.

"Don't take it offensive...we have some pretty good wine here."

"I'm sure."

Monroe sat down slowly in the chair then put her attention back on me.

"Since we will be seeing each other more often..why don't we get to know each other."

So bad I wanted to leave and avoid this conversation with Monroe. I don't have an issue with her but I don't want to get to close to her. She seems off but why not just get to know her.

"What do you want to know?"

"Well for starters your family....are you close with them?"

"I'm close with my parents but my sister...I haven't seen her every since she moved to Texas which was five years ago but how about you," I said while getting comfortable in the couch.

"I'm close with my parents as well but I haven't talked to them in awhile which I'm not too upset about."

"That's good."

"Yeah um...what do you do or wise."

"Well before everything went downhill...I was a kindergarten teacher."

"Was you fired or?"


I had a feeling Monroe was gonna ask me why but she should know the answer to that. I don't wanna talk about my drug abuse with her even though she knows what I did.

Naomi came running in the living room, and grabbed my hand.

"What sweetie."

"I want to show you something..c'mon."

Monroe smiled softy and I got up from the couch, getting pulled to the back by Naomi.

Monroe pov:
I watched as Naomi pull y/n to her room and I felt relieved. I looked out the window at her car, thinking about what I had done.

Couple minutes earlier
I went to my car and grabbed my purse, clinching it up against me. After I locked the car doors I approached y/n car, hoping her doors were unlocked.

"Yes," I said as I opened the door.

I grabbed y/n purse and quickly pulled out the small bag of coke, burying it under the things she had inside. Before I zipped her purse back up I came across a picture which caught my eye.

I looked closely at it to see that it was a picture of her and Kobe kissing while she held Naomi in her arms. So bad I wanted to ball the picture up but I didn't.

"She'll throw this picture away one day." I said.

Present time
I don't regret doing what I did because I did it to save me and Kobe's relationship. I did it to save this family. Maybe when Kobe doesn't allow her to see Naomi again, she'll forget about Kobe and officially move on.

"Do you like it mommy!" Naomi said while jumping around.

"I don't like it..I love it thank you sweetheart."

Y/n bent down to kiss the top of her head then looked over at me.

"I got called in for work..maybe we can finish this up another time?"

"Yeah sure that's fine," I faked smiled.

"Great..bye Naomi I'll see you next week."


Y/n softly waved at me and I waved back, watching her walk out of the house.

"I'm hungry," Naomi said while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Your mommy didn't feed you before you got here?"

She shook her head.

"What a bad mom....a good mom would feed her kids before anything like me."

"Your not my mommy."

"But I'm going to be," I said as I approached her.

"You not my mommy and never will be."

Naomi stormed down and hall and I stopped myself from yelling at her.

"Just go fix her some food...just go fix her some food."

Drug & Love (short story)~Kobe MorrisWhere stories live. Discover now