Lipsoul & Chuuves

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A/n: ... this is started as just a lipsoul and i ended up adding a bit of chuuves so... Hope you enjoy! :)

Teenage Jungeun would be so disappointed in herself. There adult Jungeun was, sat on her couch with her head in her hands, feeling a migraine coming on after managing to get her daughter to finally go to sleep.

And teenage Jungeun had sworn she'd never have kids. Or a husband. At least she went through with that second one.

She wasn't too keen on single mother either.

She rolled her eyes so hard when she heard a knock at her door, simply making the ache in her head so much worse. With a huff, she got up, taking her sweet time in going to the door in hopes whoever it was would leave.

Not even bothering to look through the peephole, she opened up the door, revealing her best friend, stood with a lazy smile. "You idiot, who gave you a ride?" Jungeun asked, letting the younger girl in. "Can't remember." she mumbled, walking past and heading straight to the couch.

"Jiwoo, you're not sleeping on the couch, get upstairs.". This wasn't anything knew for Jungeun. Out of the pair of friends, at least one of them had to be the irresponsible, get-wasted-most-nights friend. And that friend was Jiwoo, seeing as Jungeun didn't really have that option.

"It was Sooyoung." Jiwoo mumbled, slowly making her way up the stairs, which Jungeun didn't exactly hear. "Huh?". "Sooyoung. Dropped me here. Left when I got out the car." Jiwoo said, almost tripping over the last step.

Jungeun hated the sense of hopefulness that rose in her chest at the mention of the name. "That's... nice of her." she said, keeping it at that.


"Mummy, can we go see the new person next door?" the six year old asked, looking over at the newly moved into household while tugging on her mother's hand. "You have to go to school first, Yerim." Jungeun said, walking over to where the school bus would pick the young girl up.

"How about after school?" Yerim pushed, Jungeun having put off any neighbour greeting for a couple weeks now. "We'll see." Jungeun sighed, unable to understand how Yerim hadn't lost interest yet.

She unlocked her car, opening the door on the passenger side for Yerim to get in, then closing it and walking round to her side. Before getting in herself, she spared a look at the house next to hers, where the newcomer was locking her door, about to leave.

Just before she could turn around and catch her looking, Jungeun looked away, getting into her car and hoping Yerim would forget about the new member to the neighbourhood. Jungeun hated human contact as it was, especially after she'd cut off almost everyone she'd ever known following her divorce with her ex-wife.

She definitely didn't need someone else in her life. Someone who could leave after she'd put her trust in them. Someone who could leave after gaining Yerim's trust and affection too. All Jungeun needed was Yerim and Jiwoo. Her daughter and her best friend. That's all she needed.


No one messed with Jungeun's morning coffee.

Apart from Yerim, of course, who'd ask for a taste of it and continue to unload kilos of sugar into it. But that was for the 'fond memories' category in Jungeun's head.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. God, I- uh- I can help clean it- I'm so sorry." the woman fumbled over her words, her hands shakily grabbing napkins and handing them over, also using some to dab at the dripping coffee. "Don't make it worse." Jungeun replied, walking away to get to the bathroom to deal with it on her own.

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