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a/n: i will get that hyewon pt.2 done eventually. hope you enjoy! :)

Believe it or not, this is simply just your average enemies to lovers.

Even so, 'enemies' is a bit of a stretch.

The whole rivalry was just a little childish feud that became whole grudges between two girls, which then escalated into sour looks and unsavoury comments behind each other's backs.

Unfortunately enough, Chaewon's mother just had to be friends with Minju's, before the two children were even conceived. The two mothers had hoped that the pair would turn out to be the best of friends, genuinely believing that it was going very well every time there was a small dinner party or casual get together.

The girls, however, couldn't stand each other, even when they were innocent little wide-eyed kids.

One of the few times they were forced into spending time with each other, there was only one swing available at the playground so, as she had been taught to do so, Chaewon offered to let Minju go first, since she was younger. From afar, they looked like they were doing just fine, until Chaewon pushed a little too hard, a genuine accident, and Minju had fallen to the ground due to her loose toddler grip.

In pain and scared, Minju had blamed it wholly on Chaewon when both their mothers had run over to care for her. Chaewon tried to plead her case, voice a higher pitch than usual as she croaked out, "It was an accident!". The attention was taken from her again when Minju pointed out she was bleeding with another cry, at which point Chaewon's mother had rushed off to get a plaster from her bag - they were Chaewon's favourite plasters, with the little tigers on them.

Calming down, Minju rubbed away her tears with her sleeves, sniffling as she spoke up, "Can I- can we go to the pretty flowers?". "Of course, sweetie!" Chaewon's mother scooped up the little girl in her arms, both older women taking Minju to a nearby flowerbed to 'ooh' and 'aah' at all the different colours and scents.

Neither of them had heard Chaewon's apologies or begs for them to forgive her, more occupied by Minju's sniffles and steadily drying tears.

While Minju was being fussed over and comforted, Chaewon sat on the floor next to the bench their mothers were previously seated at, sipping at her water bottle as she tried to hide that she was sulking and maybe crying a little bit too. "I didn't mean it. I didn't want to hurt her. I hope she's okay." she mumbled.

They were only three or four years old when that happened.


Once again, the two little girls were made to spend time with each other, their parents adamant that they would be the best of friends if they just had a chance, without any... troubles getting in the way. And today was not that day.

They were at a park, and Minju was yet to forget about the small wound on her elbow from a few weeks ago. She wasn't talking to Chaewon much, letting the older girl do all the entertaining, almost like she was trying to make it up to her. Chaewon spoke about her first year so far at school with her limited language, not even knowing if Minju understood or not.

Not wanting to play in the playground, as their parents had intended them to, Chaewon and Minju had wandered off, not letting either of the adults know that they were going. Minju had expressed her eagerness to want to find the prettiest flowers and Chaewon wasn't going to deny her the chance, even as a four-year-old who'd rather chase squirrels and pigeons round the park.

Walking pretty far, too focused on the ground and the hunt for Minju's perfect flowers, neither girl had realised that they'd gone too far from their parents. Chaewon was content with running around and picking random flowers, hoping Minju, who was acting a whole lot calmer than her, would like them.

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