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A/n: this didn't end up as toxic as i wanted but i also might've exploded if i kept this in the drafts any longer (it's been here since 2019). hope you enjoy! :)

"So this is what you do now?" Jiwoo looked down at her ex-girlfriend, who took a long drag from whatever she was smoking, blowing the smoke out in Jiwoo's face, causing her to cough. "I said you didn't have to come if you didn't want to." the older girl replied, passing on the spliff to a boy who was sat in front of her, on the other side of a small coffee table.

"Well then why'd you invite me?" Jiwoo asked. "You know I want to see you." Jungeun admitted, finally looking up at her, though it wasn't much of a confession; Jiwoo already knew that Jungeun wanted her. With a sigh, Jiwoo looked towards the front door to Jungeun's parents' mansion (the perfect location for a party of this size). She was almost tempted to just leave there and then, though it would've been a waste of a perfectly good dress and the time she took getting ready.

She looked around, already seeing how different the atmosphere was compared to the parties round her side of town. Everyone was having a good time, either dancing, drinking or making out, hell, even the stoners looked like they were having fun.

So why was it that she couldn't?

Sure, she hardly knew anyone there but, she's Kim Jiwoo, she could spark conversation from thin air if she wanted. Maybe it was the fact that she couldn't just go up to a random stranger and expect fun, not when Jungeun was here. Maybe it was the fact that Jungeun had her arm around the shoulders of another girl, a girl that wasn't her.

But she's over her. She's over Jungeun. She looked back down at said girl, only to catch Jungeun staring right back up at her. "What?" Jiwoo spat, not meaning for it to come out as rudely as it did. "You look good." Jungeun replied, not even hiding the fact that she was staring.

Her eyes travelled slowly down Jiwoo's body, with her mouth only slightly open, almost as if she was in awe of how good Jiwoo looked in the short, tight, dark blue dress she wore. Not to mention that blue's her favourite colour. She even went as far as licking her lips as she pulled her eyes back up Jiwoo's body.

Rolling her eyes, Jiwoo snatched the spliff when it returned to Jungeun's hands, taking a drag and trying her best not to start coughing as she let the smoke out. She leaned over Jungeun, handing it to the boy sat on the other side of the quiet girl, knowing Jungeun was still staring. The boy also made it a point to stare down what was showing of Jiwoo's cleavage, but she ignored it.

Standing back up straight, Jiwoo glanced down at Jungeun who was now looking at her with a small smile. She then whispered something in the girl's ear and she got up immediately, leaving the group to join the rest of the party. "Sit down, I'm starting to like having you here." Jungeun lazily smirked, watching Jiwoo's every move as she stepped over her, settling in between the boy and Jungeun on the couch.

"Oh please, you liked me here the second I got here." Jiwoo scoffed, feeling slightly alarmed at the way the couch shifted a little as Jungeun turned to face her more, her arm behind Jiwoo on the backrest of the couch. She knew she shouldn't be touching Jiwoo, not yet, not with the way she couldn't get her eyes off the girl.

"I wasn't really planning on staying." Jiwoo lied, completely contradicting what she was telling herself in her car; something along the lines of "you're gonna go in there, dance, drink and have the time of your life". "I doubt you came all dressed up to not stay." Jungeun was acting like she knew better (and she did). "I thought I'd be nice and give you something to look at while I was here." Jiwoo shrugged.

Jungeun was slightly taken aback by that but, she loved Jiwoo's confidence, it wouldn't stop her from replying, "Not even together and you're still treating me?". "You wish. I'm not here for you." Jiwoo, again, lied, and Jungeun knowingly chuckled, "I'll believe that when you do.".

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