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A/n: trying some supernatural stuff 'cause why not. hope you enjoy! :)

"Oh look, we got a fresh face in here, hi, hello, welcome." the professor greeted Chaewon, also putting all the attention on her, "Please do not fall asleep in my class and try to listen. I'm sure you've all been told that a degree in chemistry can be boring so at least try and that'll be 10% of your grade that I'll vouch for.".

Looking around at all the unfamiliar faces, Chaewon just awkwardly smiled, deciding to make herself busy by opening up her textbook. She tried to ignore the familiar scent she picked up on, she was there for chemistry.

She was quick to notice the girl sat next to her, who for some reason had some kind of alluring aura that made Chaewon curious. Trying to discreetly look over, she had to hide her shock when she saw the girl spinning her pen on the table, without touching it.

Having realised that she had eyes on her, the girl stopped, picking up the pen. Chaewon looked up at her, making eye contact, but the girl instantly looked back down. 'She's pretty, though' a voice inside Chaewon said, 'Pretty eyes, too'.


She was never first to go up to people and try to get to know them but, there was just something about this girl, something that made Chaewon want to get closer. "Hey, you're in my chem class, right?" she asked the girl, taking initiative to pull out the chair ahead of her and sit down.

Clearing her throat, the girl sat up, and Chaewon could literally feel how nervous she was. "And you're the new girl." she rolled a pen closer to herself before picking it up, gripping it like it was a knife. "Had to cram all the first year content over the summer, still not too good though." Chaewon said, with a small smile that she hoped would let the girl know she wasn't any sort of threat.

Unless of course it was on the night of a full moon.

The girl's leg was bouncing up and down, which Chaewon noted as a habit of hers; she tended to do it a lot whenever she was asked a question during class. She then abruptly stood up, excusing herself, "I'm- uh- coffee.".

Chaewon knew when someone wanted to be left alone. So she took the hint, leaving whilst the girl ordered her coffee.


"There's something about her..." Chaewon trailed, sat in the library across from a friend, while she watched the girl flick through her textbook. "Enough to have you stalking her? 'Cause, damn, if I was this obsessed with Hyunjin I'm pretty sure she'd never give me the time of day." Heejin, said friend, chuckled.

Running her hand through her hair and slouching back in her chair, Chaewon sighed. An idea then popped into her head, and she looked up at Heejin about to ask a small favour. "Stop it, you look like you've had a light bulb moment and we both know you're rarely ever too bright." Heejin said.

Chaewon just smiled, knowing Heejin was bound to agree to do what Chaewon wanted anyway. "Get a name for me?" she asked, adding a 'please' when all she got was a glare. "Y'know what? You best be happy I'm a good best friend." Heejin got up, sticking the finger up at her friend before making her way over to the girl who was studying all by her lonesome.

After a short conversation, accompanied by many awkward pauses, Heejin returned, wishing she could punch Chaewon and actually make it hurt (she couldn't, she's tried, multiple times). "Hyeju." she said, plopping back down onto her seat, throwing a rubber at Chaewon's face before she could display any sort of gratitude.

With newfound energy, Chaewon got up to leave. "I love you." she said to Heejin, pressing a kiss onto her cheek, which she grimaced at, before pacing out of the library, heading to somewhere that would definitely have some sort of record of Hyeju's.

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