Chuuves & Lipsoul

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A/n: self-destructive character 'cause same lol. also just guess how many words this is. anyways, hope you enjoy! :)

"I'm done, okay? I'm done." Jiwoo ran her hand through her hair, "I'm not doing this with you anymore." there weren't even any tears. She sighed, turning away from her now ex-girlfriend and looking around the apartment. Quite the mess she made.

She couldn't stay there, it was too inviting to stay. Too warm.

And so was Jungeun.

With a sigh, she just walked over to her shoes, slipping them on while Jungeun followed, trying to find words that haven't been said before to get Jiwoo to stay. "So, what? You're just gonna walk away?" Jungeun asked, skipping over trying to be nice about it.

"Yes, Jungeun, I'm walking away because I can't stand you, I can't stand the sight of you and I definitely will not stand here and listen to your bullshit." Jiwoo briefly turned to face Jungeun as she spoke, she deserved that much. "My-" Jungeun laughed, "My bullshit? Jiwoo, you've stood there and made your points, yelled at me and decided on your own that you're done.".

Well now Jiwoo was just getting angry, "If I listen to any of what you have to say, I know you'll somehow make me stay. I'm leaving because I fucking care about myself and refuse to let you ruin me.". "But how am I ruining you? Jiwoo, I don't get it." Jungeun walked round to stand in front of Jiwoo, not giving her the space to put her other shoe on.

"Move, Jungeun." Jiwoo demanded, staring Jungeun down. Jungeun sighed, clenching her jaw and giving Jiwoo some space. "That's it? You're walking away from the conversation? From me?" Jiwoo could hear the hurt in Jungeun's voice, but it hurt her more that she couldn't tell if she was putting it on or not.

She stuffed her foot in her other shoe, fiddling with the laces. "At least answer the fucking question, Jiwoo." Jungeun pushed. "God, Jungeun!" Jiwoo got up, turning to leave. "Don't walk away from me!" Jungeun jumped to closely follow, letting Jiwoo hear the slight gruff in her voice, not speaking in a 'please don't' tone but more in a demanding tone. Jiwoo spun around, the distance between them minimal, pointing an accusing finger at Jungeun's chest, "I should've walked away from you ages ago!".

Admittedly, Jungeun was taken aback by Jiwoo shouting back. She felt like she should've walked away ages ago? Jungeun was also very confused.

"But you didn't." All she needed was to add a smirk, but Jungeun knew better than to be that petty. "'Cause I'm a right idiot. Glad that's settled." Jiwoo said, looking around again, "Where's my phone?". "Why would I know?" Jungeun felt a little offended. "Well, I wouldn't be shooting too far if I thought you were going through it." Jiwoo shrugged.

And that successfully pissed Jungeun off, who was trying to stay calm, "Jiwoo, what the fuck?" Jiwoo just ignored her, still looking around. Jungeun grabbed her wrist, forcibly turning her around, "Now you're just gonna assume shit I'd never even give a thought for doing, let alone actually do?". "Cheaters are capable of anything. I've had enough friends go through heartbreak to know." Jiwoo snatched her wrist back, looking Jungeun in the eye.

The eye contact was soon broken off, Jungeun looking to the side to chuckle. How did it even get this far? "There you go, just assuming. You haven't even let me explain my side of things.". "Because I don't want to hear it, Jungeun. I saw what I saw and nothing you tell me will change that." Jiwoo said.

"Tell me what you saw then, let me explain it." Jungeun suggested, it sounded about right. "You and that girl, literally an inch from each other. You have roughly a minute before I lose my shit." Jiwoo stood expectantly, waiting for Jungeun to talk.

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