Lipsoul pt.1

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A/n: I've had this sitting around for a while so I just changed it from 1st person to 3rd and added some stuff, took out other bits, changed it around. idk if i even like it but oh well. Hope you enjoy! :)

"I swear to God, if the kids' parents are pricks I'm leaving." Jungeun muttered as she stood in front of the full-length mirror, buttoning up her shirt. "I'm sure they'll be fine, Jungeunnie. The kids are all, like, 5 right? Their parents will be nice, I'm sure." Jiwoo, her best friend, said from the bed they had shared the night before.

"I think I need a dose of your optimism Jiwoo, what do you eat to be this positive, even in the morning?" Jungeun asked, struggling to do up the top button of her shirt. "Come here." Jiwoo said, sitting up in the bed. Jungeun lazily walked over, sitting next to her and looking up to let Jiwoo do the button she was struggling with.

"God, you really need to get yourself a girlfriend, Jungeun." she sighed, patting down her shirt once she finished with the button. "Speak for yourself." Jungeun scoffed, getting up and grabbing a black tie from the many she owned and putting it around her neck so she could tie it. "Jungeunnie, if you didn't realise, I have someone just waiting for me to say yes to them." she bragged.

"Ugh, yes, I'm aware, Jiwoo. You have that Sooyoung girl wrapped around your finger." Jungeun groaned, now also struggling to do up her tie properly. "Fuck me, Jungeun, you're such a mess. Come here." Jiwoo sighed, gesturing for Jungeun to let her do up the tie.

"Already did that." Jungeun said, walking over and shooting her a lazy wink. "Yeah, and I won't let you anymore if you lose your job for being late. Now hurry up and let me do your tie." Jiwoo ordered. Jungeun flopped onto the bed and let Jiwoo do up the tie for her, the red-haired girl telling Jungeun to leave after she was done.

"Bye, Jiwoo!" Jungeun shouted, opening the front door of their shared apartment. "I'm coming to the school for lunch, yeah?" she asked, before Jungeun could leave. "Alright!" she shouted back, stepping out of the apartment and shutting the door, locking it with the key.

With a sigh, she skipped down the stairs and left the building, walking over to her car and unlocking it, sighing again when she sat inside. "Right, let's get this day over with." Jungeun mumbled to herself, starting up the car and playing some music to get her into less of a dead mood.


"Sweetie, come here." Jinsoul called to the child, who was too busy trying to wake her father up by sitting on his stomach and weakly slapping at his chest. "But I wanna wake Daddy up." she whined, completely unaware that her dad had blacked out from drinking too much the night before, and wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon.

"How about this? You and Dad can go out after you can back from school, yeah?" Jinsoul proposed, holding out her arms for the child to approach her. "Okay, Mummy!" she agreed, jumping off her dead asleep father's stomach and hopping over, collapsing into Jinsoul's arms.

"Let's get you ready, shall we?" Jinsoul rhetorically asked, picking up the little girl and taking her to the en-suite bathroom. "Mummy! When we go, can we say hi to Sooyoung Auntie?" she hopefully asked, grabbing Jinsoul's face with both her hands so she knew she was focused on her. "Are you sure you're not asking so you can go see Hyejoo?" Jinsoul teased.

"Maybe." she quietly admitted, playing with her mother's earrings. "You cheeky little thing." Jinsoul giggled, "Of course we can go say hi, but that means we have to leave a little earlier so we can go to the younger year before going to yours.". "Okay, then we have to get ready quickly-er." she said. "It's quicker, sweetie." Jinsoul corrected.

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