Hyewon & 2kim

767 15 3

a/n: ships requested by @LoveForHiiNak.

"Oi, come downstairs to eat.". Noticing someone enter her room, Hyeju slipped her headset off her head and let it sit around her neck, looking to the intruder, "Hm?". "Come downstairs to eat, loser." Minju repeated, with a small smirk. "You should stop hanging out with that Yuri chick." Hyeju grumbled, closing some tabs on her laptop before getting up, leaving the headphones around her neck.

Minju rolled her eyes, shutting the door in Hyeju's face before she could leave. "Rude." Hyeju sassed when she opened the door, following Minju down the stairs. "Yeah, whatever." Minju scoffed. "Hey," Hyeju started, "Keep your beef with her.".

At the bottom of the stairs, Minju abruptly turned around to face Hyeju, the younger almost walking into her. "I've been beefing you since you were born." Which was obviously false, Minju was barely a year old when Hyeju was born. "You've been beefing Yuri since you met." Which was actually pretty true; the childhood friends met on a playground, pulling each other's hair for the sand pit's singular shovel.

Taking a moment for thought, Minju nodded, "Fair.", before walking off to the kitchen and leaving Hyeju to follow. "What'd you make?" Hyeju asked, hoisting herself up on the counter next to the cooker. "Fried rice. Simple stuff." Minju shrugged, getting out two bowls and plating the food.

"How's uni going?" Minju asked, walking over to the fridge to grab the leftover meat from the day before to have as a side. "Decent. Would be better if you weren't always M.I.A." Hyeju replied, kicking her legs. With a chuckle, Minju threw the container in the microwave, heating up its contents, "I have things to do.".

"Like what?" Hyeju put on that teasing voice of hers, "Flirt with that Chaewon girl from photography?". While waiting for the meat, Minju threateningly walked over to Hyeju, knocking her off the counter, the younger laughing. "I told you, we're just close friends." Minju said. "Uh huh, and I'm the Queen." Hyeju sarcastically replied.

Getting out a serving spoon, Minju pointed it at Hyeju, "Shut it, nerd.". Hyeju, being the younger of the two, just stuck her tongue out at Minju, who then proceeded to chase her with the now-dirty spoon. "Just because-" Hyeju started, yelping when Minju almost caught her, "I have-" she dodged Minju's grabby hand, sending her one way before running back to the kitchen, "A better-" then a shriek left her lips when she almost ran into the open fridge door, "Love life than you!".

She went back out to the living room, round to one side of the couch before she stopped running, now panting. "You're so unfit. No wonder no one wants you." Minju insulted, also out of breath, but not as much. "Hey, you're single too, fucker." Hyeju replied. "You said you've got a better love life than me? Ghosting every single one of your talking stages after making them like you is not a love life." Minju commented.

"I mean, at least people like me. When was the last time someone liked you?" Hyeju raised a mocking eyebrow at Minju. "I simply don't have time, loser. Try doing a degree and a job at the same time." she replied. Hyeju's shoulders visibly slumped and, for a moment, she just stood there, halfway to a pout before walking round to where Minju was stood, wrapping her arms around the older from the side.

"Thanks." she mumbled, not one to usually show affection; but her sister deserved it. "My bad, didn't mean to make it all serious." Minju lightly joked, and Hyeju just shook her head, buried in Minju's shoulder. "As much as I love your affections, I'm hungry. And I've got a beast to feed." that earned a push from the younger, and Minju giggled as they made their way back to the kitchen.

Prodding Hyeju's arm with the spoon, she elicited a whine from her, laughing as Hyeju muttered curse words while washing the food off her arm. "You're doing the dishes too." Minju threw the spoon in the sink, making the water from the tap splash a little in Hyeju's face. "You treat me like a slave." Hyeju dramatically groaned, closing the tap and flicking the water on her hands at Minju.

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