Chapter 6: The Monster behind the madness!

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Place: Station Square - 2 days After Twins arrival


Twin, Sonic and the others were destroying Iblis's minions Shadow used Chaos Control to teleport behind an Iblis taker and then drop kicked it into the ground making it disintegrate.

"Extermination mode initiated, destruction of Iblis's creatures inevitable." Omega stated and then used his machine guns and his lasers on a hoard of Iblis biters which stood no chance.

Blaze was fighting the Iblis takers in the air using her flame abilities.

Twin and Sonic both did a combined homing attack on the Iblis Golem taking it down and the others took the rest of Iblis's minions in the area down as well.

"Is that all of them?" Tails asked

"Yeah, were lucky that they stayed in one spot, but there's probably more elsewhere." Blaze answered the fox as she was using her flame powers to fly.

At that moment Twin thought of something that was unusual for Iblis's minions, "That's odd." Twin said out loud.

"What is it Twin?" Knuckles asked,

"That's not normal for Iblis's minions." Twin stated

"What do you mean?" asked Blaze

"Normally they just go and attack any living thing on sight and not stop, but these attacks are not random its almost as if there being controlled by something or someone!?" Twin stated

Suddenly Tail's miles electric started to go off, tails pulled it out and opened its radar.

"Tails?" Sonic said,

"I think I just found the source of this infestation. They all appear to be coming from City hall just up ahead!" Tails stated.

"Well then lets roll, shall we?" Sonic Asked

The group all nodded and they all started to head to the city hall where the Iblis creatures were coming from.

"Were closing in on the source!" Tails stated,

"Source identified, prepare to investigate" Omega stated

They arrived and all started to look around for source of the Iblis creatures, Twin saw something and gasped.

"What is it Twin?!" Sonic asked as he and the others ran over to him.

"Look!" Twin shouted and he pointed up in the air above city hall.

Right above city hall was a what appeared to be the exact same time portal that was used by the Time Eater and on the other side was a City in Flames!

"Its my home. Crisis City!" Twin stated in utter shock

Music ends

But before anyone could make a move or speak a claw started to form from the portal, Sonic recognized it immediately. "It can't be!"

Music: Event - The Time Eater - Sonic Generations

The Time Eater crawled out of the portal.

"ITS THE TIME EATER!" Everyone shouted and Twin looked at them all

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"ITS THE TIME EATER!" Everyone shouted and Twin looked at them all

"So that its name." Twin said to himself. "The Time Eater must be the one controlling Iblis's minions!" Twin then shouted.

"So you figured it out as expected, and the Time Eater is just one of my titles mortals.  I am more than just a mindless Time consuming entity I am above you all as a God of Time!" a Dark voice replied

The group looked at the Time Eater which had just turned into a smaller new form that resembled Sonic in the shape but he was made of dark purple mist and it had no mouth but it had Dark red eyeballs with Green irises and it was the one that was speaking!

(Pretend that this photo has dark red eyeballs with green irises)


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"My true goals are beyond your understanding, but you can say I am simply showing my power over you insects and the people of this world will know there place and soon after my plan is complete all of you living mortals will knee before me!  But you should know my goals by now already, Twin the hedgehog." The Time Eater states.

Twins eyes widen how could this creature know who he was?!

"How do you know my name? I've never seen you before ever?!" Twin shouted,

"You will remember me Twin in due time, lets just say you and I have a history I would love to stay and tell you it, but I have some business to attend to and a plan to enact!  See you soon mortals AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the Time Eater laughed and then disappeared back into the portal to Crisis City with all the Iblis creatures following him, after they all entered, the portal vanished from sight!

"Coward!" Twin yelled,

Then Sonic stepped forward and put his hand on Twin's shoulder, "Twin lets go we need to regroup with the others, and you need to do some explaining." Sonic stated to the cyan Hedgehog.

"I know" Twin replied and they all went to regroup with the others.

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