Chapter 8: A New discovery!

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Place - Green Hill Zone Sonic and Tails place - 4 days after Twins Arrival.

Music: SONIC GENERATIONS - White Space

In Sonic's house at green hill, Tails was hard at work in his workshop fixing up Twins rocket shoes whom Tails had just convinced to to let him fix after asking pestering him for 10 minutes! Sonic was eating a Chili dog and then Twin looked at Sonic.

"Hey Sonic?" Twin asked

"Yeah Twin?" Sonic said he had just about finished with his Chili dog.

"How exactly are we gonna find a way back to my home when we don't have a way there?" Twin asked.

Sonic was about to answer when Tails walked in holding a old wrapped up paper and Twins Rocket Shoes.

"Well I have the answer for that Twin, and btw here's you rocket shoes back as good as new." Tails stated as he handed Twin his Rocket Shoes.

"Thanks Tails." Twin replied as he put his Rocket Shoes back on his feet.

"Look at what I found!" Tails said and he laid out the paper gently and it was revealed to be a old manuscript, "I found this when I was looking for a way to Crisis City but I think we don't need to build a way there, We can create a Portal there just like the Time Eater by using these the Dragon Emeralds!" Tails stated and he pointed at a picture of seven different colored Emeralds forming a circle around a Female Mobian Dragon and a Male Mobian Hedgehog with Wings Who looked very much like Twin.

"Hey that looks like me!" Twin pointed out,

"Yeah that's what I thought as well." Tails stated.

"What are the Dragon Emeralds, are they like the Chaos Emeralds?" Sonic asked.

"Kind of Sonic but not entirely, apparently the legends say that they are much more powerful and more volatile then the Chaos Emeralds. legend's state that one time a person tried to achieve the Ultra Dragon Form that you can turn into when you absorb them, but he couldn't handle the raw power and met his end.  After that the Emeralds were then all taken to different corners of the globe where they were hidden in secret so that nobody corrupt could use their power ever again!" Tails explained

"So what do they have to do with getting us to Crisis City?" Twin asked

"Well the legends state that they produce a insane amount of energy so I was thinking that maybe we could use them to power a device capable of opening a portal to Crisis City and the Time Eater!" Tails explained.

"Tails your a genius!" Twin shout

"Aw thanks Twin" Tails replied rubbing the back of his head.

"So where do we start?" Twin asked

"First we need to find the Emeralds, but there's a slight problem." Tails said.

"What kind of problem?" the Two hedgehogs asked the Fox.

"The scroll doesn't have any clues to where the 7 Dragon Emeralds are located at all!  But I think I know a place where we can start looking for clues." Tails stated

"Where?" Twin asked.

"Spagonia University." Tails replied

"Spagonia-what now?" Twin said confused

"Oh of course Professor Pickle!  He might have an idea of where the Dragon Emeralds are!" Sonic said.

"Professor Pickle? Guys is there something that I'm missing?" Twin asked

"Its a long story I can tell you it on the way there." Sonic told the hedgehog.

"Well then lets get going guys, Tails get the Tornado Ready to fly!" Sonic shouted

"You got it Sonic!" Tails yelled as he ran out to get the tornado ready to fly, when the tornado was ready the Two Hedgehogs got on and they flew off to Spagonia.

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