Chapter 9: Running Across the Rooftops!

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Place - Spagonia - 4 days after Twins arrival

Twin felt the air in his quills As the tornado flew thru the sky on its way to Spagonia, Twin was in awe of the view that they had from the tornado.

"Were here guys" Tails announced

Twin looked down and saw that they were flying over a beautiful city of Spagonia.

"Now I just need to find us a place to land" Tails told the hedgehogs

Sonic then spots something and then smirks, Twin notices that sonic is smirking.

"Sonic, what are you smiling about?" Twin asks.

"Well I'll see you on the Flipside Guys!" Sonic Shouted, "WAHOO!" He yelled as he jumped off the plane to the city below.

Twin just stood there speechless at what Sonic just did He then looked at Tails.

"Well you gonna join him?" Tails asked

Twin was shocked at first then he smirked "See you soon Tails YAHOO!" he yelled as he jumped off the tornado.

"Well might as well find a place to land." Tails said to himself.



Sonic landed on a grind rail and Twin followed suit and he caught up to Sonic.

"Did you really think I was gonna let you have all the fun Sonic?" Twin asked.

"Hey Twin you see that big clocktower over there that's the university, race ya there?" Sonic yelled as he asked Twin

"Your on Blue Blur!" Twin yelled they both jumped off the grind rail and started to speed there way to the university, Sonic ran while Twin skated with his rocket shoes.

As they speeded down the streets a Figure in the shadows watched them and then proceeded to follow them!

Twin had never had this much fun in his life being in a race was soo much fun, he ran across the rooftops of the buildings and through the loop - de - loops, He and Sonic were neck and neck and then they arrived at the building and they both celebrated beating each other even though they made it there at the same time.

Music ends

"I WON!" Twin and Sonic Shouted.

"No I made it here first, so I won!" Sonic shouted in response

"No I was way ahead of you when I Made it here! So I Won!" Twin argued

"NO I WON!" Sonic argued.

"NO I WON!" Twin argued.

A Few minutes Later. . .

This continued for a few minutes until they both heard a voice.

"Uh guys?" Tails asked

The two look at the Fox who had just got there.

"Weren't we going to meet professor pickle and talk to him about the whereabouts of the dragon emeralds?" Tails pointed out

"Oh yeah" They both said 

The three walked towards the university building.

Unknown to them there was a cloaked figure watching them from the roof of a building nearby, 

"I better call the others." The Cloaked Figure said. The Figure moved there hand to their ear. "Hey its me again we have a situation."

Place - Spagonia - Spagonia University 4 days after Twins arrival

Music: White space - SONIC GENERATIONS

Tails opened the door and the three stepped into what appeared to be a library.

Tails opened the door and the three stepped into what appeared to be a library

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"Professor pickle, You here?" Tails called

"Tails is that you?" A voice responded and a door opened and a old man was revealed.

"Tails is that you?" A voice responded and a door opened and a old man was revealed

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"Professor pickle, Its good to see you again." Tails said as he shook hands with the professor.

"Likewise Tails, oh Sonic Its good to see you again as well" Professor pickle said,

"It great to see you too professor" Sonic told him

Then the Professor noticed Twin.

"Who is this young man you brought with you?" The Professor asked

"Oh this is Twin the Hedgehog he's not from here you could say" Sonic responded

"Oh yes the Hedgehog who helped save Station Square from Dr. Eggman and those lava monsters, Its a pleasure to meet you Twin I'm Professor Pickle" the Professor stated as he held his hand out to Twin.

Twin the takes his hand and shakes it. "The pleasure is all mine Professor Pickle." Twin responded.

"I assume your here not just for a visit?" the Professor asked

"Unfortunately no, we need to ask you about something. we need to know where to find the dragon emeralds." Tails stated

"The Dragon Emeralds Hmm, ahh Yes I remember I have a book on them here." The Professor stated. "Assistant!" the Professor called.

A man came through the doors "yes Professor?" The Assistant asked.

"Would you please fetch me the book on the Dragon Emeralds?" Professor Pickle asked

"Yes Professor!" the Assistant responded

A few minutes later. . .

The Assistant came back with a big old book.

"Here you go professor." The Assistant said.

"Thank you now lets see here." Professor Pickle stated

Twins' ears shot up and he looked out the window and saw a Mobian in a cloak watching them from an alleyway nearby.

"What is it Twin?" Sonic asked

"I'll be back" Twin told them and he walked out of the room.

Sonic had a confused look on his face and he looked at Tails, "Tails I'm going with Twin, try and see if you can find anything on the Locations of the Dragon emeralds" Sonic told Tails. and ran out after Twin.

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