Chapter 10: A Alleyway brawl!

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(A/N: Just before this chapter starts I just want to thank you all so much for helping my story reach over 600 reads I am so amazed by the amount of popularity that it has gotten thank you all so much!) Quick Disclaimer: the new character that will appear in this chapter doesn't belong to me it belongs to my online friend NICEGOD42, now lets get on with the story.

Place - Spagonia - 4 days after Twins Arrival

As Twin walked through the streets a lot of people were looking at him both Humans and Mobians alike, Twin came up to an alleyway and he looked down it and started to walk down the alleyway.

When he was halfway down the alleyway he heard a noise that came from somewhere around him, He stopped walking and looked around for the source.

"I know your here come out and show yourself!" Twin announced

Twin heard footsteps from behind him and he turned around and saw a Mobian dressed in a cloak and a hood over their head that was preventing Twin from seeing their face.

"So you must be Twin the hedgehog?" The shadow figure asked

"I am, Now who are you and why are you eavesdropping on me, Sonic and Tails?" Twin asked.

"My Reasons are none of your concern, now I ask that you end your crusade for the Dragon Emeralds at once!" The Figure demanded.

"Sorry man, but I can't." Twin responded.

"Fine then, perhaps this will persuade you!" The Figure stated and held out their gloved hand and a red ball of energy appeared and was launched towards Twin!

Music - Rival: Jet - Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic games (Encountering ??? theme)

Twins eyes widened and he quickly dodged the energy ball and it impacted the ground behind him.

Twin looked at the stranger who was now floating with their hands outstretched and they were glowing red, the figure then brought their arms inward then brought them out in a outward motion and 6 red energy Orbs appeared around them.

"Well if its a fight you want then its a fight you'll get!" Twin announced,

"So be it Hedgehog!" The Figure responded and launch the Energy orbs at the Hedgehog then flew toward Twin!

Twin dodged 5 of the Orbs but then he got hit by one, Twin groaned as he was recovering from the hit he took but the figure suddenly appeared behind him and they kicked him up into the air and then proceeded to do mid air punches and kicks on Twin! Then finally did a dropkick and Twin impacted the street and made a little crater where he landed!

Twin was got up only a little until he heard the figure land right next to him, Twin looked up at him and they were about to fire a orb at him.

"I gave you a chance Twin now you must vanish off the grid!" the figure stated.

"I'm not Going down that easy!" Twin shouted and he did a backflip kick making the figure stumble backwards!

"What?! How did you recover that fast, nobody has ever recover that fast from my attack!" The Figure Stated.

"Well just like I told Eggman, I'm no ordinary Hedgehog!" Twin responded.

"Twin!" A voice shouted

The cyan hedgehog turned around and he saw Sonic running towards him.

"Sonic!" Twin shouted

"Who's this person?" Sonic asked gesturing to the cloaked Figure

Before Twin could answer the Figures communicator started to go off, the cloaked figure put there hand on their ear.

"Aiden! What are you doing!?" a Female voice that came from the communicator Asked furiously.

"I'm in the middle of something right now!" The figure who's name was apparently Aiden responded

"It doesn't matter I need you back here at the shrine at once!" The female voice stated

"But I'm dealing with-" Aiden started

"LATER, I NEED YOU BACK NOW!" The female voice Interrupted Aiden.

"Ugh, Fine. I guess you get lucky for now Twin, But I will tell you this again Stay away from the Dragon Emeralds!" Aiden Told them and he disappeared in the shadows.

"Who was that?" Sonic asked

"I don't know but I think they have something to do with the Dragon Emeralds so we probably will see him again soon!" Twin responded, "We should head back to Tails and the Professor and see what they found on the Dragon Emeralds." Twin then stated.

Sonic nodded and the two started to head back the University.

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