Chapter 55 The Vinsmoke Brothers

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Y/n POV:
I groan from my slumber. I open my eyes but all I see was black. I close and open them still black. What the hell? Wait I remember, I was heading home after the food festival before I get inside my house I was kidnapped by random person. Who kidnapped me?!!

My thoughts was cut off feel something stop. I heard a door open and slam and sound of footsteps til another door open. I was pull out my body shiver feel the cool breeze. So I'm outside from the car? Where am I? "Move it!" Sound of male voice yell at me from behind. He push me made me but stumble a little. He kept pushing me taking somewhere. I heard the door open as we stepped inside and the door shut behind us.

"You got her?" I heard another male voice. "Yes sir, I got her you three want." The blindfold taken off from my eyes. I adjusted my eyes from blurry vision. Once my eyes is better there stood a red hair man cover his right eyes wear a black dress shirt, white pants, and shades. "Good, your dismissed." The man from behind me left. The red hair male walk up to me, he grab my left forearm drag me with him. I try to break free but his grip strong.

He stop front of big door, he open it reveal a living. It was fancy and the furniture are all black. There's two males sitting on middle couch. On the left was blue hair and by him it green hair. They look up from what they were doing, they're eyes look at me and hearts came from their eyes. The red hair male drag me again throw me on left couch. I sat up quickly glare at the red hair. I look at two males still looking at me. The blue hair male get up from the couch sat by me. He wrap his arm around my shoulder and his face was close to me.

"Well I be, your very pretty when I saw from school?" Wait what? He was spying on me back from school? What the heck? I scoot away from him feel uncomfortable from him. My back was touch something hard, I squeak in surprise feel arms wrap around my waist place on lap. I look meet green hair. I look at them all feel uncomfortable from them. "Who are you and what do you want from me?!" I growl. The blue male chuckle and answer "The name Niji, the red hair is Ichiji and green hair is Yonji. Where the Vinsmoke siblings." He grin.

Wait the Vinsmoke sibling? Sound familiar, where did I remember that name? Wait I remember! I met Sanji in school and he told me his full name. Is he... one of them? I didn't know he had siblings! I better think of something to get away from them to escape.

Third POV:
At the police station, three pups went into the police station when a man open the door to get in. The pups look around til they spotted a familiar ginger hair male sitting on his desk. They rush toward him bark out to him, the officers heard them saw the pups rush toward Drake. Drake stop what he was doing heard the small bark, he look down see the pups. "Hey fellas, wait where's Y/n?" He notice Orion hold a flower clip with his mouth. He grab it from Orion mouth examined it, his eyes widen in shock realized. "Wait she been kidnapped?!!" The pups jump up and down.

"Drake what the hell is going- what the?" Smoker saw the pups front of Drake. Drake gave the flower clip to Smoker and said "The pups gave me Y/n hair clip! They're trying to tell me she missing!" Smoker wide of shock. "Drake get the police car running I get the German shepherd!" He order.

Drake start the police car running while Smoker got the German shepherd ready. He place a tracking device on their collars, they sniff Y/n hair clip Smoker show them than run off so the officers follow them. Suddenly the police car halt almost scare the blonde male, "Oi! Watch where you driving!" He shouted out. His eye caught sight the officers through the car window. He walk around the car look through the left side car window, the window slide down reveal Drake. "Sorry Sanji we're in hurry and it's emergency. It's Y/n, her pups gave us her hair clip telling us she kidnapped." He said.

Sanji wide of shock "I'm coming too! I don't care what you punks gonna say but I'm coming!" He get inside the back row til the police car drove off.

-Meanwhile with Y/n-

Y/n body shake in fear feel Yonji hands slide up and down on the girl waist, Niji head was place on the girl shoulder his hot breath touch her neck made her whimper. "P-please... stop." Y/n stutter. "Nope" Ichiji smirk, he was sitting on middle couch watching his brothers tease the girl body.

Y/n back head hit Yonji face using her head back slip away from his lap. She barged out from the big door head upstairs in a rush. "Fucking hell! She back headed me!" Yonji cover his nose from dripping blood. "She is feisty but she won't get away from us." Niji run off to find the girl, his brothers join him.

Y/n barged in another door slam it shut, she slide down on the door catch her breath. "Well this is unexpected." She jump in surprise hear a female voice. She look up see pink hair girl, the pink girl get up from the chair she was sitting walk up to her. Y/n growl at her "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt." The pink girl said in soft tone. Y/n stop growling but glare at her. The pink girl knee down "I'm Reiju, I'm the daughter of Vinsmoke family. I see you met my brothers. Don't worry I'll help you get away from them." She help Y/n untied the rope from her wrists.

"Thanks, are you...not like them?" Y/n ask "No, my brothers are perverts and me I'm not like them." Reiju giggle. "Okay, I'm Y/n by the way. Is there a escape exit from this place?" "Follow me." Reiju open her bedroom door grab Y/n hand and run away. "REIJU!!!" They look over behind see the Vinsmoke brothers chasing at them. "There's backyard door that take you outside, take a right than left turn and head straight. I'll try to distract them." Reiju explained pull Y/n hand made her go front of Reiju, Reiju let the girl hand made run faster after pulling her front.

Reiju stop running look at her brothers. They glare at her "What the fuck sis?! You let her go!" Yonji growl "Don't make us hurt you." Ichiji warn. Reiju went into her fight stance "If you wanna get the girl, you had to get pass through me." The brothers and sister charge each other.

Y/n POV:
I took a left turn pass by every hallway than took a right turn. How big is this place? It's like a mansion maze! I saw double door almost getting there. I use my right side barge the double doors open land on the ground on my right side. I get up quickly dust myself, I look up see I'm in the garden field. I notice the leafs wall which got me an idea. I run toward at the table, I jump on the table than boost myself over the leaves wall did a front flip til I land on concrete ground.

I heard two dogs barking from left side, I look over see two German shepherds barking at me. And a police car appeared from behind the mansion. The car stop and three people coming out rush at me. "Y/n~Chan!" I was lift up from the ground by familiar short blond hair. "Sanji!" I look up see Drake and Smoker sigh in relief. "I'm glad your safe, are you hurt?" Drake ask me. Sanji put me down, he look at the mansion, I notice he was glaring at it. "Sanji, do you.... live there?" I ask him. He sigh and said "I live here when I was a child, I'll explain later once we get you home." He take me into the police car with him.

"So how did you guys find me?" I ask them. "Your pups gave us your hair clip to us trying to tell us you've been kidnapped." Drake explain to me handed me the hair clip. I recognize the hair clip, I wore it for the food festival. "Oh and here are your pups." Smoker handed me my pups onto my laps. They jump into my arms lick and nuzzle my face, Drake and Smoker place the German shepherd dogs into the backseat wit me and Sanji before they get into the police car drove off.

I look at the mansion realize about that Reiju girl, I hope she okay to stop her brothers.

Third POV:
The three brothers lay unconscious on the ground beaten up. The pink hair girl walk away from them head into her room "You boys need to show respect of lady's, you all still a pervert." She smirk. She head into her bedroom sat on her bed, she look at small picture frame from nightstand. She grab it look at it, her lip tug up into a small smile. She place her hand on young blonde boy he was smiling along with the pink hair girl.

"Hope we see each other again after we're separated from the past....Sanji."

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