Chapter 33 Kidnap by pink part 1

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Third POV:
"Okay class, projects will due by next week so I want you get that finished." Crocodile told the students. They pack their belongings exit out from the classroom. "So Law, hows Corazon doing?" He look at Y/n and spoke "He's doing well, we hang out together." She smile at him "By the way, wanna go to the cafe bloom, well..... you know chat and walk around. Is that okay with you?"  Law nervously said. "Of course, that sounds great. I'll see you later." She walk away leaving blushing Law "Nailed it." He whisper.

Y/n POV:
Since school is over I head home to get ready to meet Law at the cafe. I unlock the door letting myself in and close it behind. I head to my room changing my clothes.

  I head outside locking the door and walking on the sidewalk

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  I head outside locking the door and walking on the sidewalk. About like a minute I found the cafe bloom that Law told me about, I walk in see Law sitting on the cushion chair by the glass wall. He notice me smiling at me, I sit down by him "This cafe looks amazing." I smile. "Wanna buy some drink? I'll pay for it." I nod. We order our drinks, and after waiting we got our drinks than exit out walking on the sidewalk.

We sat on the bench in middle of the park and chat together. I heard a a buzzing sound but this time is not mine "Hold on, I gotta take this." I nod. Law stood up walk away about feet away to give himself some space. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I was about to turn around but a cloth surprise me. I try to remove it from me, my vision turn blurry and I black out.

Third POV:
Law place his phone back into his pocket walk back to the bench "It's Corazon, he ask me if you- Huh?" He see Y/n drink was spill on the ground and saw familiar feather lay on the bench. He pick it up examining it, his eyes widen in shock "That son of a bitch." He growl. He pull out his phone typing the number than answer "Who is-"  "Kid I need your help." Law cut him off  "Law? What is it you want you idiot?"  "It's Y/n."  "....What about her?" His tone was dark through the phone "I need your help, she kidnapped."  "WHAT!!!" Kid shout through the phone "I believe I know a person who took her and where their place they live. Meet me at the park."  "Killer! I need backup! Y/n is kidnapped!" "WHAT!!!"

The girl flutter her eyes open, she feel a cold touch below. She get up see she was lay down on the cushion couch, she look around the room see it look fancy and organize. "What? How did I get here?" The sound of click caught her attention, she turn around see tall man came in from the door, he wore business suit and feather coat behind. She was shock who he is " again..... why did you kidnap me Doflamingo?"  The man smirk "Because.... we hadn't finished our fun since last time. Fufufu~" 


"So what's the plan to stop him?" Kid ask "First we need to stop Doflamingo and than rescue Y/n. He may be strong but we gotta stop him or else he'll do something to Y/n." Law answer. "But where his place did he live or the business place?" Killer ask. "Since he had a day off he go home to rest, so which means he had his day off today, I know where he live." Kid and Killer follow Law behind in hurriedly rush.

-Meanwhile Y/n POV-

I try to break free from his grasp but he's too strong. I need to stop him or else he'll do something on me. "Fufufu~ there's no escape this time my dear. Your mine." He lean his head on the crook of my neck nuzzling. I kick him on the stomach with force than ran off but my ankle was caught. I look down see him look at me with that lustful look on him. He get up wrap his arms around me, I try to break free but it was no used, his grasp was too strong.

"Let me go! I don't want to be with you! Let me go!" I pull out my necklace called out the butterflies. They appear covering Doflamingo face, he try to get them off from him and his grasp not on me anymore. The butterflies held me up flying towards the glass wall see the glass door. 'Yes! I'm getting out-' 


I look over from my shoulder see blood pouring out, I turn my head around see him hold the gun in his hand. I collapsed on the floor than my vision getting blurry. I almost see him getting closer, but a sound of knock from the front door interrupted.

Sudden the door burst open reveal three guys with anger expression. "Law, coming to rescue her?" Law? He notice me, his expression was shock that I lay on the floor. He glared dagger at Doflamingo. "We won't let you take her away from us! This ends here you bastard!!!"

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