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As the world sufferes from the recent pandemic of Covid 19 which not only led to lost of lives but also shattered the economy of many Nations rendering them vulnerable to recession, there also exist some other challenges especially in Nigeria.

There are many Jobs lost, many businesses down and many people at high risk of developing some sort of illness due to high vulnerability to insecurity and hunger.

These challenges are on the increase, there are weaknesses from the government which covers the majority part and some sort of community challenges that instigates the issues.

Travelling now become difficult, especially by roads as the risk of being kidnapped is high, bad roads leading to increased accidents and death.


It's in these chaotic situations that Abu's father left for home, craving for his wife and kids unbeknownst to him that his youngest son passed on in his absence.

He walked down to the nearby park and waited for an hour or so for the last passenger to arrive, they left the park after Magrib prayers at the time when the sky was becoming darker, being it beginning of the month, the moonlight wasn't that bright and the stars were no where to be found as they are covered by dark clouds that gives one an impression of rain any moment.

Not long after they left the park, thunder and lightening started, it was very intense and the sound was scary, with the wind blowing at a very high speed and full of sandy particles. At the moment, they covered at most 15 miles.

The passengers adviced the driver to stop and see the outcome first, which he agreed to but only when they reach the village ahead and they assent to that.

Abu's father was very quiet, his mind wasn't at rest, not only because of the current weather conditions but also because he was so desperate to set eyes on his family again.


As they arrived, Abu's mother directs the bike man to her in-law's residence as that was all she could do. That was the first time a word came out of her lips as she asked the bike man to stop upon their arrival.

She got down and the bike man parked his bike and collected the corpse, it was shocking and only tears were rolling down her cheeks, nothing seems normal in her condition as she proceeded  in.

She encountered Abu's grandfather first, she couldn't greet him, uttered no word and upon all that he started shouting vehemently.

He said "Now you are back and why are you crying after leaving without informing me, no matter how far I am, you should've looked for me an........".

He paused as the bike man appeared holding the corpse, he kept mute and just walked down to where the bike man was in a debilitating manner. He asked what's happening and the bike man started explaining to him. Abu's mother went in and left them there.

As she entered, she saw Abu sleeping on the couch and her mother-in-law by his side. She sat down staring at both of them without waking them up.

Her mother-in-law woke up to the sounds of her sobs, she looked at her and asked where Abu's brother was. Before she could utter any word, Abu's grandfather walked in holding the corpse as well and gave her a signal to come out.

She followed him to his chambers feebly, she understood the situation and was just imagining how bad Abu's mother was feeling.

They both sat down, pray for the deceased and Abu's grandfather told his wife to stay with the mother and condole her. He went out to inform the Imam about it and other neighbours and also the palace.

It was not that dark, as it was some moments to Ishaa prayers, with the Absence of Abu's father and having knew that he was to return in 4 days, they decided to bury the deceased according to religious teachings.


Abu's mother on the other hand was still shedding tears despite all attempts to condole her, she uttered no words and took neither food nor drink. She was just sobbing silently.

Her eyes bulge out, became red and her cheeks also were so red due to her skin tone. Her legs started swelling as she sat there for too long, everyone wanted to show their pity but her condition kept worsening.

Abu woke up due to the increased noise in the house and though he wasn't told about the incidence, he could depict it from their voices and faces.

Things were so out of hand, with women crying out loud and men outside in a complete silent mode. Abu's father wasn't there, so his father represented him in all affairs and was there through every bit of thing.

It was a sorrowful evening to everyone and Abu's father was still on the rough trip back home without the knowledge of what was actually happening there.

Thanks for reading this. I do hope you enjoyed every bit if it. Dont forget to vote, comment and share with your friends. Thank you once again.

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