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Abu's younger brother was brought back to the village from the mallam's house when his brother was in the hospital due to the enormous pressure he gave them as his brother was away. Instead of taking him to his mother in the hospital, he was taken back directly from the mallam's house to his village. It was very painful for both the mother and the kids but yet none gave any form of empathy from her husband's family except her mother-in-law.

Life in the village seems to be so different from the one she's used to in the city. Everything changed, even though she always tried to adapt as she got no where to live, its sorrowful and often she cried deeply because of that. She most atimes feel like going back to her mother's family but yet couldn't do a thing as she was overpowered and in the end married with kids. All she could do is to sacrifice her happiness for her children to have better education and still failed as Abu's father always shows his superiority over her and listen to his father's ill advice.

After she collected her almost malnourished son from his grand mother, she quietly shed some tears seeing both of her kids in a critical situation and also the crazy part her father-in-law was playing. She didn't utter a word but when her mother-in-law signalled her to have some words. She understood and followed her to the nearest shadow and away from people.

Her mother-in-law, who was always so gentle and sympathetic towards her earned her respect and love. She was fully against all the evil acts and maltreatment the girl was suffering from. She said to her " I know you are suffering beyond reasoning and yet have nothing to do about it, I know you cried time without number and wishes you never belong to this family, I know there are many things that crosses your mind every single minute in life, but.." she was cut off by the presence of her husband 'Abu's grand father ' who was there to pay a visit.

He looked at them standing away from people and knew that they are really planning on something but just ignored them and move straight to the boy that got some sleep at the moment. He stood there for some minutes without uttering a word and just when about to leave, cleared his throate while looking at Abu's father which serve as a signal to him. The went out at once and the mother continued...

".... As I was saying, I've also suffered a lot from him, I know that our cases are different since you grew up where you knew no problem but ended up here. I want you to be patient and keep praying for your matter how hard it seems to be or how bad life seems to treat you, be careful and make right decisions. Do not be haste and be humble. Pray for them and know that Allah will never let you down. I don't have a lot of power or strength to help you but I'll always pray for you not to end up like me. May Allah bless your life."

Abu's mother kept quiet for some time and then thanked her mother-in-law. They both stood stranded for some time and later on went back to where Abu was. Only one person was there waiting for Abu's father but all the rest left when Abu started sleeping.

***** ***** *****

Not every problem have a solution at the time, some problems just need more thinking, more time and less haste to get a solution. No matter how hard it seem to be, when life treated you in a way you never expected, the best thing is to keep calm and get a lasting solution rather than tentative that will give you some temporary happiness. Most atimes, hasty decisions lead to a more grossed recurrence of the problem itself.

Ever found yourself in a critical situation that was so filled with sadness and felt like giving up all Hopes? Ever come across a feeling that's deep inside of you and painful to the extent you felt as if your life is worthless and no one loves you? Most occasions, small problems tend to become more deeper that they are not because we wanted them to be but because we caused them to be.

The best solutions are gotten through advice of the experienced, some times through deep thoughts and sometimes through risk. We often tend to be so fast in getting out of trouble not looking towards the path we are placing our selves. Sometimes we lifted our legs from a dirty path and placed it in a thorned path due to our hasty decisions.

Our lives deeply depends on our partners, whether from work place, residence or the most closest, our spouses. If our decisions solemnly becomes ours alone without any consultations. In cases where we become the sole controllers of our decisions, they became ours and the burden of their failure wholly becomes ours to bare.

When our decision become faulty, with a perpetual and irreparable damage in the end, we become so depressed not because of the decisions being wrong but because we wholly become censure of ourselves.

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"No matter how hard it seems, it will always be forgotten when you make the right decisions". Her mother-in-law told her as she turned to take her leave. That was when Abu's father stepped in and was so haggard with his face full of worries and his eyes bulged. He looked at his mother and kept quite for sometime and lastly said goodbye to her as she left for her house.

He went inside and met the guy that was waiting for him, gave him some cash and thank him for his service. He looked at his wife who was holding their son at the moment. He sat down near Abu and stared at him for some times. He looked at his wife for the first time in their marital life and said "I'm sorry"

She looked at her pale looking husband and without uttering a word, just busted into tears.

What do you think happened and the reason for the apology? Is his father the reason behind it or just his conscience? Let's see that in the next chapter. Thank you

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