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Pain seem to be her routine, loosing people is something she's encountered every now and then, with no other family to rely on, no hope of a better life she always wanted and no confidence or assurance of a better and more happier life to her only living child. She couldn't help but to be hypertensive and whole lots of things jammed.

Despite her current health condition and that of her beloved son, issues never seized to arise. In almost every family, inheritance has always been the source of breakups and feuds. Especially when the deceased was a wealthy person either raw in cash or in assets.

While she was grieving and as well looking after her son whose condition worsened over the time, Abu's grandfather was busy gathering all the assets left by his son from various businesses in various locations. It was the right thing to do, if only there's good intention attached which to most families is hard to get.

Everything was presented to the village Imam for it to be shared and having a Male child gave her the chance to a huge part of it. At first, Abu's grand father thought he was to have a bigger share in that but things turned around and without a way out, he was left with a minute share of it.

Abu's mother wasn't called on the first sitting, she was later on called by the Imam when he learnt that she's done with her Iddah and had none to represent her other than Abu's grandfather who's character wasn't new to all of them sitting there.

At her arrival, she was informed about the whole amount left by her husband both in cash and in assets. Her share was huge and that of her son but she took permission and went home just to be back with some documents that shocked everyone at the palace.

The documents presented were those of her original inheritance that was giving to her husband, the amount was very huge and even the agreement papers on various properties left by her father and sold by her husband were presented. No one imagined that and that turned the table upside down and her father in law was very shocked on why his son made the mistake of handing over those documents to her.

At first, the documents were with Abu's father as his father entrusted all affairs to him. But after the recent incident that changed his attitudes, he showed her everything and told her were the documents were in case something happened. None of them thought about his death but then, the decision just fits in.

The Imam collected the papers and gave them to his son for proper review, he also adjusted the sitting for 24 hours for him to make good judgement and proper calculations on things.

***     ***     ***

The following day, everyone gathered at the palace on the scheduled time to see how things turns out.

Abu's grandfather went their with full optimism after their plan with his one and evil friend 'Mallam Bala' on how to usurp the money once again and avoid the earlier mistake made by his son.

After everyone gathered and the village head also came out, the Imam made the declaration on the amount left by the deceased, the amount owned by his wife and also the amount left to be shared among the four of them (Abu's grand parents, his mother and himself).

She inherited alot and part of their inheritance was a small house bought by Abu's father before his demise in the city as he planned on letting her back to school and also his kids though the plan was still not opened to his father because he was fully aware of what he would do. And also the house they were living in at the village and a whole lots alots farms and stores.

Abu's grandfather showed his happiness over that even though he wasn't truly happy but just to use that in usurping their money.

He suggested that since she's a woman and have limited movement capabilities, he should be giving her share to hold and also suggested that his friend 'Mallam Bala's' son should be married to his late son's wife in order to keep the relationship intact.

Some of the people gave that a positive thought and agreed with it but the village head and the Imam refused to and said "She is now a widow and unless she chose someone on her own, they won't accept anything forced on her". That gave her some courage and they decided to let women asked her instead of them.

But she frankly and for the first time defied all orders and said to them " about the marriage, I'm not interested and I want to further my education seeing how this village is suffering from lack of stable medical practitioners. And about the safety of my son's and my own money, I have an account opened by my late parents so I will deposit the money there".

"If I would be allowed, i would like to take my son to hospital in the city seeing how bad his situation has become over the time, we have a place to stay there for his health condition and also for my education. This village is all I have left and the people of this village treated me with so much love, I would like to study hard and serve this village in the near future, I hope my requests will be given due consideration sir" Abu's mother said.

***     ***     ***

Abu's grand father was wholly taken by surprise, he never thought she could found the guts to openly make such requests and declined his proposals without a second thought. All plans ruined and he could do nothing other than meet his only friend to see how it goes.

Abu's grandmother on the other hand was very pleased with how things were. She knew how much she suffered and was very happy that Abu's mother took that bold step. She waited so long for a time like that when her husband will harvest the evils he planted and couldn't hid her happiness.

Abu's grandfather and his friend met to discuss the issue, they looked at all the possibilities and yet couldn't get anyone that perfectly suits their intentions. They wanted to bribe either the village head or the Imam but the history between their duo and that of Imam and village head wasn't pleasant at all. They knew it deeply that was impossible and therefore wanted to threatened Abu's mother secretly.

He went to her and said "I dont know why you want to leave this village, we are the only relatives you have left and you are still young to make your own decisions right. You can keep your money if that would give you peace even though you know that I and my son did not in anyway squander your wealth. But still I urge you to marry Mallam Bala's son and stay here so that we can take care of you and your son. But if you think leaving this village to go and do whatever you seem fit will be the best for you, then do as it pleases you but have it at the back of your mind, immediately you step out of this village, you will be no part of us anymore, so be warned and think positively about it".

***     ***      ***

Knowing what he did and the reaction on her face, he thought she would lay low and submit to his will, he was optimistic at the palace after giving his friend so much assurance on the success of their plans.

She was asked one more time to confirm her requests and decision. She kept quiet for some minutes and all eyes were on her but she asked for the same thing as she did the previous day.

With so much shock, Abu's grandfather reacted openly by saying "till when did our kids have a say in our decisions? I wonder how much worse its going to be from now" he kept quiet while breathing deeply and shivering openly.

The village head and the Iman were not shocked knowing exactly who they were dealing with. They accepted her requests and gave her the permission to do as pleased. The village head and the Imam all blessed her and she was assured peace and love from the people.

She planned her trip in two days time in order to make preparations and also entrusted all her inheritance to the Imam for the time being to avoid problems.

She spent a lot of time with her mother-in-law and she was blessed and advised wisely while her father-in-law was very angry with her to the extent he stopped replying to her greetings.

After two days, she parked her things, the cash and documents and some of her belongings alongside Abu in the village head's car and headed for the city. She knew it deeply how her father-in-law could be so devilish as much as he listened to his friend, so immediately they left for the city, she became freighted and cold.

I hope it's still as interesting as you wanted it to be..

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