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As a woman in her late 60s and yet never gave birth, she cared for many children, raised them as her's. Not only her relatives' but also orphans and more, some of them stayed at her place while some at their's and she rendered all sorts of help. She's a working class and as well a business oriented woman. She is wealthy and never got married again after the death of her late husband because of the love and affections they shared and she doesn't want to wake up in her next life by anyone's side other than him.

Early in the morning, she asked Amina who's also one of the many kids she raised to add another plate in their break fast. Amina's face worn a question even though she never wanted to ask. So mama Asabe knew what was there and she told her about Abu as they were all asleep when she came back yesterday. Amina said " Mama please can I go and see him after school? " knowing how Amina felt at that moment, she answered with Yes and moved inside. Amina got so emotional because Abu was the name of her late brother who died of meningitis some time ago. So maybe she felt like her own brother and that was why her curiosity rose a lot.

Hajiya Asabe dressed up and being it unusual, she had to went out earlier than she used to. She asked her driver to let her drop Amina and other kids to school. She picked them up and left around 7:30am. She dropped the kids to their school and went to the hospital directly to meet Abu. On her way, she had many thoughts about the kids, thinking about their fate if by any means she passed away before they grow up. She reached the hospital gate and entered to meet the little and pitiable Abu.

On reaching the emergency unit, she asked the nurse on duty about Abu and she was informed that he was moved to the paediatric ward as he required more care from the trained paediatric nurses. She thanked her and enquire about the other one, of which she was told about her shift that was over. So she left for the ward with no any hesitation.

On reaching the ward, she saw Abu lying down but not asleep. She met him and asked him about his pains which he told her that he was better. She fed him awesomely and asked about his parents. Before he finished telling her the story, she was in pain already and tears were running down her cheeks and she felt like adopting him already until she heard about his little brother which made her feel the pain going down her spine.

She enquired about his school and he directed her to the place. She left him after his meal and also drugs. So she went ahead and visited the head teacher, she informed him about Abu's situation and also told him about her intention to visit his parent. She was shown his younger brother who was so little and appalling, she felt the pain seeing other kids in similar situation. The head teacher followed her to the hospital and checked on Abu and also assigned one of his students to show her the way to his village.

She left for the office first, and after all the necessary preparations were made, she went to the hospital again to check on him, she later on went home to check on the other kids as the drivers number wasn't reachable. After meeting the kids, with no hesitation she went back to the school and took the boy she was addicted to go with and left for Abu's village which was about 86KM from the city perimeter.

On reaching KOFI village, mama Asabe asked the boy to direct her to the chief's palace of which she greeted them and also informed him about the reason behind her visit. They both exchange pleasantries in a very good manner and she moved on to meet Abu's parent which wasn't difficult to locate as the boy she went with knows the place already.

KOFI village isn't far from the city but their development is way far behind, many kids ran behind the car and we're shouting happily indicating how periodic they sees car. With the situation in the village, being it in the evening, almost every where was smoking from the fire woods they were using to cook up to the normal bush burning process that was happening at the time, her eyes got red and itched severely but she still managed and behaved in a civilised manner.

The first woman she encountered on reaching the house was a very young, beautiful and fairly complexioned lady, she's tall and also slim, with all the qualities to make a complete woman and from the look, she's not suffering like most villagers do. Mama Asabe thought of her as just a visitor or something of that nature and they both exchange greetings in a respectful manner. She asked just to confirm if it's Abu's house and to her unending surprise, the young woman answered her that "Yes, it's his house and I'm his mother".

Her eyes widely opened, she looked at the young woman who was pregnant at that moment, to her thoughts, despite being it a village, a lady of her age shouldn't have more than a kid but with Abu and his younger brother added to this pregnancy, she because bewildered and in complete mayhem. She smiled after all and said "Alhamdu Lil Laah, that's very nice. I'm by name Hajiya Asabe and I came from the city where your two sons are studying, here's the boy that directed me to this house as commanded by their head teacher".

Abu's mother welcomed her more warmly having heard about her two sons, she went in and brought a mat and some freshly made 'Fura' to both of them. She also gave the boy a wooden chair to sit on. That was when mama Asabe asked her about Abu's father of which she was told that he'd be back soon from the market in the nearby village.

Mama Asabe went ahead and explained what happened to Abu's mother in a polite manner and also calmed her that the situation was in control as he's in the hospital and already treated, she cried a little bit and also thanked Mama Asabe for all that she did to help their son. They continued chatting while waiting for Abu's father and that was when Mama Asabe's curiosity reached its peak and she asked the Abu's mother if she ever stayed in the city or even studied.

Abu's mother smiled and said " I grew up in the city Along side my parents, my father was from this village and my mother from the city. He went for a business trip when they met and were blessed to get married in the city, as my mother's parents refused her to be taken back to this village, he stayed there with her against all odds up to the time I was born. I attended both primary and secondary schools, there was a time when I was in grade 11, my mother's parent visited my parents, I was in school then and my granny's driver went to the market to get them some provisions. So my dad decided to drop them home and on their way, they got hit by a trailer and they all passed away. " she was already in tears when she got there, mama Asabe was also looking so dull and her face full of compassion. She tapped her shoulder and condoled her.

She then continued " after the condolence and everything, there was no one to care for me, even though I inherited a lot of money, both from my parents and my mother's parents being her the only daughter, after a month, my father's relatives brought me back here as a punishment for my father's crime of staying away from them, my studies died with my parents and my dreams buried Along side them. Few months later, I got married to Abu's father and here I am today with no right to dream. " all of them were in tears and mama Asabe hugged her so tight which made her spill the 'Fura' that was brought to her. She condoled her so much and advice her to continue being patient, all is working according to Almighty's plan and that He will never let her down.

Abu's mother stood up and cleaned the place, they sat down but everyone was quite, she also picked up the bowl she served the other boy as he finished the 'Fura' already. They were chatting calmly when Abu's father sighed from outside and entered. He stood away immediately and looked at the visitor, he was already informed about her presence but not the reason attached to it and seeing the car outside confirmed everything to him. His heart pounded really hard because the first thing that crossed his mind was that the woman might be related to his wife and so things might get out of hand knowing how they embezzled all her inheritance. Even though he was a business man before their marriage, most of their relatives used her money for other stuffs and yet was denied the little amount she requested to study. She also enquired about going to the city with her husband so that he could continue his business there and she'd study but yet denied her that.


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