~ What's Going On? ~

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In another area, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Ochaco, Tsu, and Fumikage were on the rooftop on one of the buildings in Gotham City. But this Gotham City is full of the Regime banners around the building.

"Where are we?" Ochaco asked.

"Gotham. Sort of." Green Lantern said.

"So... Temporal displacement? Alternate Earth?" Green Arrow guessed.

"Could be either. We may have jumped to a different dimension. Or, events in our own timeline have changed and we're in a new, altered present." Wonder Woman said.

"Like time travel?" Fumikage asked in shock as Wonder Woman nodded in confirmation.

"We need to determine which. Soon. If Joker's bomb detonated, we have to get back." Aquaman suggested.

"He's right." Tsu agreed.

"The Watchtower should have picked up any anomalies, right?" Green Arrow asked.

"The Watchtower might not exist. I can't make contact." Wonder Woman said.

"We need to find out. Once my ring is charged I can get us there." Green Lantern said.

"The Atlantis archives. If this is an altered timeline, we might find a record of the triggering event there." Aquaman said.

"Assuming there's an Atlantis." Ochaco said.

"It's worth investigating. Let's you and I check things out here." Wonder Woman suggested to Green Arrow.

"Ring. Where's the nearest power battery?" Green Lantern asked.

"The Ferris Aircraft facility in Coast City."

"Well at least that hasn't changed...Stay low. I'll be back a-sap."

"I'll come with. You might need some backup." Fumikage said.

"Alright. Let's go." Green Lantern nodded.


Meanwhile, Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki are in the alleyway near by the trash bin as they look around in confusion.

"Where the hell are we?" Katsuki demanded.

"I don't know. But I've got a feeling we're not from here." Izuku said.

"Um... Is this normal?" Denki asked, pointing at something.

They turned and saw what appears to be a picture of a Joker like he's famous. They also saw some spray paint where it says "Screw Superman". Then they saw a symbol of the Regime they never heard of.

"What's going on? What does this mean?" Eijiro asked.

"I'm kinda getting a little scared." Denki gulped.

"Whatever did happen in this world, it's bad." Shoto said.


Green Lantern walking around the Ferris Aircraft office with Fumikage while using the ring for directions.

"Where did you say the battery was?"

"Carol Ferris' office. Left at the next hallway, third door on the right."

Green Lantern stopped mid-track along with Fumikage.

"It's the fourth floor..."

The bird student didn't need to be told twice as he quietly called Dark Shadow. Suddenly, they hear some familiar voices from the hangar.

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