
438 20 16

R., Dalia

"Just one more!" my sister smiled as she held up her camera. "How many do you need Natalie " I sighed rolling my eyes. "As many as I want! This is a big deal!" She squealed.  It was honestly.

I just graduated from St. Ives academy with my masters in mental health. Such a broad spectrum I know. Top of my class, and referred by all my professors to the best mental health institutions.

"Ms. Roberts" I heard from behind. I turned and saw one of my favorite professors at the academy. "Hello, Professor, thank you for being here." I smiled at him and he reached over to give me a hug. "Congratulations! I'm very proud of your accomplishments as well as starting at St. Agatha's next week." He stated. "Yes, I can't believe that they accepted me for the job. It's so surreal for me."

"I'm sure you will do great. I've got to go now but good luck at St. Agatha's " he smiled as he walked to the front of the stage.

"Alright, are you ready? I'm hungry" Natalie called out.  "Yeah, let's get Chipotle" I said. We got in the car, and drove to chipotle. We got our orders and then went back home. "Are you excited to start at St. Agatha's?" "Yes and no?" I said making a face. "I'm going to be around mental patients and try to counsel them while also keeping myself safe" I sighed.

St. Agatha's is the top mental health asylum in the country. Only the most high profiled go there for treatment. Ones who are mentally ill, but also highly dangerous to society and themselves. There's been a few under the wraps stories about therapists and counselors being horribly injured. Why am I going you ask? I love the thrill. I really think I could help them. They just need someone different.

"You're the strongest person I know. I know you'll do amazing and really change lives over there. I want you to know I'm so proud of you big sis" she smiled hugging me. "I love you so much" I said to her. "I love you. Now let's get to bed" she sighed.


Today was my first day at St. Agatha's and to say I'm nervous would be highly exaggerated. I'm shitting bricks. I checked my phone and noticed I had a text from Natalie .

Baby Sis 💛
Good Luck today big sis! I know you'll do great. I love you xoxo.

I smiled as I parked into my reserved parking and headed towards the front doors. "Good morning, I'm Dalia Roberts." I said to the receptionist. "Right on time. Let's get your badge and get you to debriefing" she said getting up for me to follow. I followed her down a series of hallways; some lit well, some kind of shady. I pulled my jacket closer to my body as I shivered. "Is it always so cold in here?" I asked her. "Yup. There's no comfort here, even for the non-criminals."

I got my badge and the receptionist guided me to the debriefing room. "Good morning. My name is Richard Walburn, the head of this St. Agatha's location. You've all come at the right time as we have a high in-flux of patients coming in this week starting today. Some of you are therapists, psychiatrists, guards, and staff personnel. Each of you are expected to do your jobs, and do them well. There is no room for mistakes."

"As you know, this facility is in charge of some of the most volatile patients from different areas. Mostly the rich, some criminals. You might think 'how harmful could rich kids possibly be?' Do not be mistaken. Many of them come from previous facilities with multiple misdemeanors to their names. Masters of manipulation, and are not afraid to hurt you and others to get what they want. With their crimes, come their mental instability."

"This is where the psychiatrists and therapists come in. Do not let your guard down around said patients. Be as reserved as possible. Allow nothing personal to transpire to these people. They will use it against you. You are some of the best your schools and institutions have to offer, so I'm sure you'll do just fine." He stated.

"Throughout this week, we will be having at least 20 patients coming in. Today we will be receiving 4 of them. Let's run through who you're up against." He then picked up a remote, and the screen displayed the first photo. "Adrian Calista. 32 years old. Was apprehended for killing two women." He clicked a button and switched to another. " Draco Savage. 43 years old. Apprehended for going on a psychotic bender, killing 5 people and a child." Calliope Linus. 27 years old. Seems innocent but is known as one of the most successful heist leaders in the country. Mental records show that she also has borderline personality disorder."

"And last but not least Billie O'Connell." He clicked the button and a girl with dark purple hair appeared on the screen. She looked...young. I was shocked to see her features. Her eyes dull, but also sinister. "23 years old. Goes by Eilish.  Don't be fooled by her age. Not a known killer, but a master manipulator. Picks up on body language and moods faster than anything I've seen before. Do not go lightly on this one. She's dangerous." Just as he was about to dismiss us, the alarms went off signaling the arrival of said patients.

"Please if you will follow me. You can see first hand, how we do things here." He said walking out of the room. He led us down into the side entrance where an armored truck was parked. "Please, for your safety stay behind the lines."

I looked ahead as a few guards went to open the back and take the patients out. First out was who I recognized to be Calliope. Her blonde hair was tied into two ponytails at the side of her head. She wore the regular white uniform with her hands and feet shackled. She wore a smile and her eyes were bright with excitement. Like she was excited to be there. Next came Draco. At a tall 6'3 he was not meant to be messed with. His eyes and hair were wild as he held a mean looking demeanor. I hope he isn't one of my patients.

Adrian next stepped out with his arms behind him, also shackled. He had an expression, one of distate at the fact that he was even there to begin with. Lastly, Billie was brought out: in a strait jacket.  Hair placed in space buns, she held a smirk on her face as she walked through the door, guards closely watching her every move. She moved like she owned the place. Standing at 5'2, I wondered how someone like her, could be here. Her eyes scanned the room, until they landed on me.

I let out an audible gasp as I met her gaze. Her eyes were devoid of any emotions regardless of the smirk on her face. Upon seeing my reaction, she tilted her head to the side and smiled in my direction, her lips curving into a mischievous grin. Fuck.

"Keep it moving, Eilish" a guard roughly said behind her pushing her along. She looked me up and down, assessing me  turned and continued walking. I let out a breath as I realized I wasn't under her calculating gaze.

I got to my office, and saw a group of files on the desk. Looking through, I realized that they were my clients and who I'd be starting with this week. I went through each one before stopping at the last.

Billie O'Connell (DANGEROUS)
Age: 23 years old
Diagnosis: bipolar disorder, psychopathic tendencies
- master manipulator, very good with her hands. Keep away from anything sharp and/or dull. Should remain in her strait jacket at all times outside of her cell.

Great. Just great. I definitely have my work cut out for me.

First Chapter! The stakes are high with this one and I have a good feeling about writing this.
I hope to not disappoint!

- K 💕

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