Live and let Dye

206 16 17

Roberts, Dalia

Billie's been doing well recently, so we moved her sessions from daily to weekly. I'm really happy with her progress. Alot of the other therapists that had a lot to say when I first got here, are surprised by my efforts.

I sit at my office desk and go over a few things before I have my session with Heather. My mind is wrapped around being on a first name basis with Billie now. A name is personal isn't it? I'd be lying if I said she didn't consume my thoughts, even when I clock out for the day.

What does it mean for me to allow my patient, especially one of her caliber to know me like that? I'm sure it's fine. Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing.

I groaned as a headache started forming. I honestly think I might be getting sick. I can't afford to be sick right now. After my session with Heather, I finish up some paperwork and then got ready to go home.

"How was work today?" Natalie asked as I walked through the door. "Pretty good, I have a really bad headache though, I think I'm getting sick. How were your classes?" I asked falling into the couch next to her. "It was okay. I actually have a group project, so I'll be coming home a bit late tomorrow." She replied. "Thats fine, just be safe."


I woke up the next morning feeling like a truck ran me over. I dragged myself out of bed and the sight of myself in the mirror could give you nightmares. My hair was a mess, my nose and under my eyes were red and blotchy. "Ugh, I can't go in today" I sighed. I dialed the asylum and got Delores on the 3rd ring. "Hi Del, its Dalia. I got the flu and I dont think I can come in today." I said while sniffling.

"Such a shame. There's actually a visitation today for your patient, Eilish" she said. A visitation? Is it Lucie again? She didn't respond back yet. Hmm. "Really? Oh well can you have Dr. Wyatt as my substitute? Eilish's session is today" I said. "Of course, I'll let him know. I hope you have a speedy recovery, darling" I could hear her smile through the phone. "Hopefully, thank you Del" I replied hanging up. I hope Billie's session goes okay.


O'Connell, Billie (Eilish)

Something feels off about today. I can't put my finger on it and its driving me crazy. For the record, its cold as fuck in here. I didn't get to see Calliope yet for the morning, but I definitely owe her.

"It looks amazing!" Calliope gushed as she looked at me. We finally got our court time and she's very interested in what she sees. "It came out so good" she smiles at me. "Thank you" I smiled back as I fluffed it. The blonde shines in the sun as it reflects off the glass. "And I bet you know who will like it too" she sang as she walked away.

"Shut up" I laughed as we went inside. "Eilish, you have a visitor today" my guard Todd stated. A visitor? " Who is it? Is it Lucie?" "Not sure, they didn't say" he replied. Hmm.  "Alright. I still got my session today?" I asked up as he led my down the hallway. "Right at your usual time" he said unlocking my room. "When's the visitation?" I asked since I'm not there right now. "I'm coming back for you in an hour" he said closing the door and leaving.

If it's not Lucie, who else could it be? My mind ran blank, because it definitely couldn't be my "family." They haven't visited me like ever. At least afterwards, I get to see Dalia. I know it isn't ethical for me to like my therapist. I'll just not make it obvious and then she won't switch me with someone else.

An hour passed and Todd came back for me. "You still don't know who I'm supposed to be seeing?" I asked again as we neared the visiting area. "Nope, I'm just here to take you places" he replied. We rounded the last corner and I literally stopped.

Sitting in the back of the room was my "mother". The fuck? "I'm not going out there" I stated firmly. "Come on Eilish. At least hear her out" Todd replied. I stood there weighing my options a bit. After I get to see Dalia and talk this out so fuck it. "Fine" I replied rolling my eyes.

"What'd you do to your hair? Guess its better than what it was before." She said as I sat down. "Why are you here" I replied coldly. "What you're not happy to see me?" She said mockingly. "Thought this place was supposed to fix you. You've been in one long enough." She rolled her eyes as she continued. "Your father is sick. He's dying" she said softly.

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" I replied blankly. "You ungrateful girl. After everything we've done for you!" She yelled. "Everything you've done?" I chuckled as I tilted my head to the side. "What kind of mother sees her child in pain and does nothing? Who locks her daughter away for hours and keeps her away from the one person she loved most? You're not my mother. Listen before I go, fuck you. I don't give a shit about what's going on in your world when you left me to make my own" I grimaced.

I got up from the chair and walked back to Todd. "Get me the fuck out of here" I grumbled. The walk back to my room was quiet. I'm sure Todd had no idea what to say to me. Good. Don't say anything either.

"I'll be back later" he says at the door, then leaves. I pace back and forth reveling in my anger. How dare she just come here and say that shit like that and then say I'm ungrateful??

I walk to my bed and find my book and pen. I know what you're thinking. A pen? Me? I have my ways. I start writing down what I'm feeling. Page after page. I don't know how long it is until Todd comes back to get me.

"I'm bringing my book to my session" I say to him. "Open it up" he replies before we leave the area. "Aw, you don't trust me? Gotta say that kinda hurts a bit Todd" I say with a smirk. I open it up and flip through all the pages. Once satisfied, he shackles my hands and we get going to my session.

We walk along the hall way and right when we're nearing Dalia's office we turn right. "Wait where are we going?" I turn to look at Todd but he tells me to keep walking. We get to another office: Dr. Wyatt.

I get in and his office is bleak and plain. Nothing like Dalia's. "Sit down Ms. Eilish" he says plainly. I look back at Todd and he shrugs and leaves my cuffs on and I go to sit down. "Where's my therapist?" I ask him. I eye him curiously, looking for something to pick up on. He's not very appealing to look at. A bit on the heavy side. "I ask the questions here" he says gruffly. 

I fold my legs and bring them into me as I assess him. Hmm control freak. Let's mess with him then. "Where's my therapist?" I ask again tilting my head to the side, eyeing him head on. He quickly looks away from my stare. Got him.

"You're on my roster today. That's all you get to know. You're the patient here not me. Maybe your other therapist just couldn't hack it with you." He replies smugly. "Excuse me?" I reply coldly. I can feel my anger bubbling up to surface level. Dalia wouldn't leave me would she?

Why wouldn't she? Look at us
No, She wouldn't

"I see your mother came to visit you today" he continues. "I've heard about you. First your mother and now your therapist." "Who the fuck do you-" I reply. "Knowing that you're  inadequate must be-" he continues except only now I'm standing right next to him, un-cuffed. "You know, you can't be too careful in here" I said smiling brightly at him, swinging my cuffs between my fingers and the pen in the other.

"I suggest you choose your next words wisely, because you've just made a big mistake." I say.


Are y'all seeing the little easter eggs in these chapters?

What do you think is gonna happen next?

It's been a minute, but thank you for sticking around and reading! 

-K 💕

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