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Billie O. -Eilish

"Wait for me Fin!" I yelled as I chased after my brother. "Wait, Don't leave me!" I tried catching up to him but he was too fast. It's like I was going in slow motion. He rounded a corner, but when I got there he was gone. "You promised" I whispered.

A banging on my door jolted me awake. "Get up Eilish, you know the drill." Jones, the guard who does the nightly patrol yells from the other side. About two minutes later, the head nurse Lucie comes in. "Good morning Billie" she smiled. "I heard you're getting transferred today. How you feeling?" she asked as she handed me my meds.

She did her thing by watching me swallow and then check my mouth to see if I actually did. "Same old, Lucie. I'll miss you the most though." I smiled at her. "Aw honey, I know. They always do" she winked before leaving to do the rest of her rounds.

The worst things about being in here is having someone watching your every move. Eating, meds, even showering. I don't even know where I'm being transferred to, not like it'll be any better anyway.

"Eilish!" I turned and saw Jackson, the person I hate the most in this damn place. "The fuck do you want?" I asked with a straight face. "Heard you're getting transferred today.  Good fucking riddance" he said smirking looking down at me. if I wasn't in this damn place I swear- "leave her alone, Jackson. Get back to your floor" Lucie yelled.

"So I just heard you're being trasferred to St. Agatha's . Be on your best behavior over there okay? " Lucie said pointing her finger at me. Damn, St. Agatha's? What the fuck did I do to get sent there?

Just then, a scream rang out as Kat scurried away from me. Her arms were bandaged and her hair fried to barely nothing, her eyes wild with fear.. Oh yeah, that. I chuckled.  I smiled really big and waved in her direction as the nurses took her out of the room.

I got up from the chair as two male nurses came to put my shackles and strait jacket on to get ready for transport. "Sorry Luce, I promised other people I'd be on my worst behavior, and I gave them my word so" I said sweetly. She chuckled and rolled her eyes as she gave me a hug. We're really not supposed to have contact with the staff but Lucie is always an exception.

They moved me into the truck and there were already some people inside. Same old, same old. I sighed to myself as my dream came back into my memory. "So much for keeping promises" I scoffed as I got comfortable.

And we'll hurt them back
Did you think they actually cared about you?
You thought Lucie cared about you? She's just doing her job




"Shut up" I growled. My meds aren't doing shit for me right now. But I'm sure as fuck not gonna say something and have them up my doses.

"Hey" I heard from behind. I turned and it was this girl with blonde hair. I ignored her. "Hey, I'm talking to you" she called out again. I turned again and stared at her. "What do you want?" "My name's Calliope. Whats yours?" She smiled. "It's Eilish" I said as I looked at her.  "Eilish. Hmm, well nice to meet you Eilish." She said looking out the window.

We arrived at St. Agatha's and it definitely sounds as bad as it looks. Old, tall building with barred windows. I hate it already. The gates open and the security officers opened up the back to let us out. "See you out there" Calliope winked as she went out first. Next, the two guys went out and now its my turn.

I hopped out and walked in. Its not like it's my first time coming to one of these places. I look to the side and I see a group of people. My eyes scanned them all before settling on someone new. Most of these therapists are well known but her I've never seen before.

Hmm, fresh meat

I look her up and down and when my eyes meet hers, she gasps. Guess she's heard of me. I thought as I smiled in her direction. She'll be fun. A guard pushes me forward trying to get me to move, so I looked at her one more time before turning and walking away.

I arrive at my cell and I'm so happy to get this damn jacket off. Jeez, you light someone on fire one time and suddenly you're dangerous. Whatever the fuc- "lights out!" Yells someone from down the hall. I closed my eyes to try to get some sleep, even though I know I won't.


I've been here for a week and it fucking sucks. My meals are brought to me and we barely get enough sun time. Upside, I see Calliope during showers and sun time.

The director of St. Agatha's comes to talk with me everyday but really he just gives me rules that I don't follow. Although, this time I listen when he starts talking about my sessions.

"Your sessions are for an hour a day with an assigned therapist" he says. "Can I get that new one that I saw my first day?" I asked. His face screws up in confusion. "Who?" He asks. "You know, the hot one with black hair." "Ah, Ms. Roberts. I'll see what I can do but you have to follow the rules here" he said sternly.  "Yeah yeah, just get me my sessions with her and I'll see about your rules" I replied going back to laying upside down on the bed.

A few hours go by, or at least what I think are hours and a new guard comes back to take me to my first session. He opens my door and approaches me with a distasteful look. I move to get up, and he steps back slightly, a look passing through his eyes. I chuckled inwardly. You think he's scared of us?

Again, I walk through the halls in this damn jacket. We finally arrive at what I assume is her door. He knocks and goes in to tell her that I'm here. He let's me in and checks my shackles and jacket to make sure they're secure. As he leaves he glares at me like I'm the bad guy but I'm not intimidated at all.

I sit and just stare at her. I ask her questions completely deflecting whatever she asked me. I say things and look for a body movement, eye twitch, hand tick, but nothing.

She's like the rest dont bother.
She'll send you away soon
If we hurt her first, she can't hurt us

"Eilish?" She calls out. I think she knows I'm trying to pick her apart because she doesn't react. I love the challenge though.
"See you later mamas!" I yelled out while leaving her office. I got back to my room, thinking of ways that I can crack her resolve.

New chapter! First Eilish POV.
Let me know your thoughts!
Any predictions?

-K 💕

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