Meeting the Clientele

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Dalia R.

I've been at St. Agatha's for a week now, and its mostly been orientations on the protocols we're meant to be following, how to go about the different emergency codes if they ever happen, and signing confidentiality forms.

Mostly, I've been decorating my office so to speak with things that'd make me comfortable and less scary. The building is still always cold, so I've learned to bring a thicker sweater. I've met some coworkers and found out the receptionist's name is Delores. Seems fitting. I've learned more about the other therapists and psychiatrists and it's nice to be surrounded by others who know what they're doing.

"So have you all been in the clinical psychologist line long ?" I asked the group. "I've been at two previously, Milliner and Eudoxy." One answered.  I think his name was Louis. "I've been at Elux before coming here. Definitely much stricter here." said Allison.  "This is actually my first time in the setting" I chuckled. "Perfect place. Even though its harder, I'm sure you'll do fine. Who are some of your clients?" Amy asked. " I think I have just 3 this week.  But I'm starting off with Dylan, Heather, and  Eilish" I said picking out the tomatoes in my sandwich. Honestly, I have no idea why Natalie puts these in there.  I looked up and everyone stared at me shocked, some let out a scoff. How serious is this girl?

"Good luck with her honey. She's nothing short of easy. I've known some other therapists at Eudoxy who had their hands full with just her alone. Never let your guard down. You're young, you might just be what she needs. It's nice to have a fresh face around here." Amber, I think her name was said from my left.

"I'll try my best" I said nervously. I looked down at my watch and realized that my lunch break was over. Today I was starting on tours of the facility as well as emergency exits. I also get to start some sessions with clients.

Tours, emergency protocols and all that over, now it's time for me to see a client. I'm slightly nervous but I can't let that be known. I wonder who I'll have today. I tried to get myself ready by getting out my case files and organizing them for easy pick up.

A knock on my door got my attention as I finished tidying up. "Come in" I said, taking a deep breath trying to relax my nerves. "Hello, Ms. Roberts I have your first client with me.  Is it alright for me to bring them in?" the guard asked. "Yes, thank you". I said smiling. He then came in, and moved to the side, allowing them to walk in.

To my luck, Eilish enters and stands by him. He then makes sure her strait jacket and shackles are secured before nodding in my direction. After receiving a similar nod, he looks at Eilish with a glare while she just smiles at him, dimples exposed. "I'll be right outside the door Miss." He says to me. "Thank you" I said back.

Soon, its just me and Eilish in the room and I remember some things from her file, as well as from Walburn.
She picks up on moods and body language better than anyone I've seen

Always be on guard with her. Never give anything away.

With this information, I sit in my chair with my notepad and tape recorder, waiting. I try my best to keep my face as neutral as possible. She sits on the far left side of the couch and just stares at me. No words, no movements, just staring. It's throwing me off, but I try my best to not show it. 

"You're new" she finally spoke up. "I am. My name is Ms. Roberts. And you go by Eilish correct?" I asked her. "You're young too. How old are you mamas?" She asked as her eyes scanned me from head to toe. "Ahem, I'm 25" I said clearing my throat.

Trying to redirect the conversation, I ask "Can you tell me why were you placed here if you don't mind?" "For a number of things" she said shifting around. She pulled her legs up and sat  with them pulled into her chest.

"Really these fuckers just love passing me around" she continued with an eyeroll; "but you'll keep me won't you?" She asked with a grin as she placed her chin on her knees, but it was anything but pleasing.

"I'm here to help you Ms. Eilish, so I'll do what I can." I said remaining neutral. "Can you tell me some things as to what really got you here?" I asked again. She again just stared at me but the look in her eyes were zoned out. Like she wasn't here. "Eilish?" I called out.

A few more minutes passed, she blinked twice as another smirk graced her features. She settled back into the arm of the couch and resumed her gaze. Don't let her intimidate you I reminded myself as I  stared back.

"Why are you here.. Ms. Roberts was it?" She asked me. "I'm here to help you, and others but I can't do that if you give me nothing to work with" I stated.

"Bullshit, none of you are really here to help us. Save your stories" she said with an eyeroll. "But you know, my old psychiatrist did help me in a way" she said with a sly smile. "He was a really good fuck. Will you be too? I could have alot of fun with you" she said pulling her bottom lip in and looking me up and down.

"I think this is the end of our session for today Eilish" I said while getting up to go back to my desk. I click the button signaling the guard to come in. He steps in and takes Eilish up, pushing her through the doors as she calls out "I'll see you later mamas!" I sighed out as the door closed and I packed up my files, and got ready to clock out.

On the drive home, I couldn't get what she said out of my head.
You'll keep me won't you?
Who left her? Why?

"Hey, how was work today?" Natalie asked as I came through the door. "It was...something. I have this one client who I think is really determined to mess with me" I said falling into our couch. "I'm sure whatever they throw your way, you can handle it" she said running her fingers through my hair. "Yeah, I'll try my best." I sighed.

I got my outfit and things ready for the next day. As I got into bed at set my alarm, I thought about today and also tomorrow. Hopefully, I get a different client tomorrow. They were right. Eilish is definitely something.

It might seem a bit slow, but I promise it will pick up soon

How was Dalia's introduction with Eilish?
What do you guys think is Eilish's back story?

-K 💕

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