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-O'Connell, Billie (Eilish)

I jolt awake by the landing of the plane. I think this is the last stop. I sigh as I sit back in my chair.

"Up Eilish. The plane doesn't belong to  us" one of the security guys say. I shoot him my signature glare before standing up. I look behind me to see Dalia getting her bags from the compartment. I sigh to myself as I think about what happens next. She leaves, and probably won't come back.

I wish I wasn't me. That way we could be together or at least friends. I move along as the security detail gets into the van with Dalia close behind us. Sweden is beautiful. The air smells cleaner and crisp.

The ride to the facility wasn't bad at all. We round a corner and pull up to a gated community. The driver signals to the security guard at the gate and we enter.

The building is huge. With lots of windows but also gated areas. It looks like a resort. Maybe this place might actually be good. "Wow" I hear from behind me ad Dalia steps out of the vehicle.

We walk up to the front and the receptionist greets us. "Hello, we've been expecting you" she smiles. They then lead us into an office and have me sit down.

After about 5 minutes, a tall man with dark brown hair sits down. His grey eyes look at me with a small smile on his face. "Welcome Ms. O'Connell to the St. Agatha's Sweden location. We hope that you will be very comfortable here" He says in an accent. I think Caribbean but I can't place the island. 

"I was told that someone would be accompanying you from our US location. And I think that's you Ms.." He looks to the side to address Dalia. She hasnt looked at me once since we've boarded the plane and I dont know how to feel about it. " Yes, I'm Dalia Roberts. Mr. Walburn sends his thanks for accomodating us on this shift" She says to him smiling. Wish she'd smile at me like that. 

"It is no problem. Would you both like a tour of the facilities?" He remarks standing up. "Sure, that would be great" she replies back to him. He leads us out towards the court yard where other patients are lounging around. Some are laying in the sun, others playing on the courts. I look around as I notice the security. It doesnt seem like a lot, but then I recognize the cameras and a few officers. 

"We offer different recreational activities for our patients. Each week, we offer painting classes from a nearby art studio who partners with us. We also offer music as well." He says as we round a corner coming up into the art studio. "Music? In what way?" I ask him, my interests peaking. "If clients work continously on themselves and follow the rules, there's no reason why they shouldnt be allowed certain privilages" he continues. We also have a partnership with a music studio where our more well behaved patients can go to channel that part of them" he says

Maybe if I do well enough I can get to go. I look to my left to see Dalia's reaction. She has a look of interest on her face as we pass by another room filled with pottery. After that, her face remains neutral for the rest of the tour. "If you would follow me, I can show Ms. O'Connell to her room." 

As we turn the corner, a patient is exiting the library. She has long black hair and stops as she sees me coming, Her eyes light up as she sees me. I give her a weird look as we stop near her. " Ah, Jace. This is Billie, she's our newest resident. A few doors down from you, actually." He says.

 She nods her head at him and looks in my direction. The look in her eye is something I can't place as she sticks her hand out. "Hey, I'm Jace. Nice to meet you Billie" She says smiling. I stare at her before staring at her hand. I look back up at her before replying "It's Eilish. I'm not your friend or anything" "Damn" She says back smirking. "I'll see you around Eilish" she says stressing the name as she turns on her heel, her hair swaying with her movement.

We walk down a series of hallways. It's not cold here. I move to look into the room as Mr. Talbert opens the door. It's not a hotel room, but it sure has a lot of space with a full sized bed in the middle of the room, a table in the corner and a small bookshelf near the left wall. 

"I'll leave you here to get settled in and if you could meet with me back at my office Ms. Roberts that'd be good." He says before stepping out. The security gaurd who came with us dropped my things off and also stepped outside. I turn around slowly as Dalia stays near the door. 

I sit on the bed taking her in. "So, what do you think?" I ask her. She looks around at the room and briefly looks at me before averting her eyes to the bookshelf. "Look at me, Dalia" I say getting frustrated. "It's okay" she mumbles. "Dalia" I say again. 

"What Billie?" She reacts looking at me dead in my eyes. "What do you want me to say? That I think this place would be great for you? That it's nice and I can see you fitting in here?" she says getting angry. "Why are you getting angry? I thought you'd be happy that I'm in a good place right now?" I say slightly raising my voice. 

"Of course I'm happy that you're in a better environment. Why wouldnt I be?" she scoffs before looking away. "What's going on" I ask her clearly. "I- nothing is going on" she says clearing her throat. I give her a look. "Aren't you the one always telling me to be honest? Does that change now that I'm leaving" I ask smirking. 

Her mouth turns downward into a frown as she takes a small intake of breath. "Just talk to me" I whisper frowning at her reaction. She sighs. "You're going to be just fine here, I think this'll be a good place for you to grow" she replies. " But.." I continue. I think I already know where its going. "..But I can't help but feel a way that you're leaving. That you're not coming back with me" She whispers. 

I get up slowly walking towards her. "Why does that matter to you?" I question. She couldnt possibly... right? "And I know obviously its completely unethical to even be saying this to you but-" "Dalia" I whisper and she looks up to find me standing in front of her. "Billie, you shouldn't be so close to me" she whispers stepping back;only to be met with the wall. Nowhere to run. 

I tentatively move my hand up towards her face as she looks up at me. "Why not?" I ask as I stare at her eyes before moving my eyesight towards her lips. my palm comes in contact with her cheek as I run my thumb across her bottom lip.  Her lips part lightly. So inviting, so fucking perfect. I move closer to her trapping her completely before lowering my lips to hers. 

She kisses me back and it's amazing. I've never felt anything like this. How'd I go so long without this? I move closer bringing my other hand around her waist pulling her closer to me. Her hand comes up and grips my shirt, telling me that she wants this just as much as I did. 

Her lips are so soft. I pull away before going in to kiss her again when all of a sudden her eyes snap open and I'm on the floor. What just happened? "Why- why'd you do that?" She asks. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "Dalia, I-" "No! Don't come closer." She replies. Her face completely crumbles before her eyes start to water and she moves towards the door. "Wait Dalia can I just-" I ask frantically. 

"I- I have to go" her voice breaks as she moves leaving the room rather quickly.  I move back and fall into my bed. "You're such a  fuck up!" I scream to myself. I turn over as tears escape my eyes. This is not how I wanted our last conversation to go. 

Well, uh. Ta da? 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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