Change of Plans

164 13 5

Roberts, Dalia

It's the weekend and guess who's not on call? I haven't had a really free weekend in a while. Tonight was bowling with coworkers, and as much as I'd love to now change my mind, I already said I would go when they asked again at lunch.

"I'm going out tonight" I tell Natalie. "Ooh, with coworkers?" She asks me. "Yeah, I've never gone before even though they've asked me a few times. Might as well go when I'm not on call."

I take a shower and change into more casual clothes before heading out. "Have fun, bring me back something!" She says to me as I head to the door. "Will do" I reply. I got in my car and drove to the bowling alley. Being that its Friday, there's alot of families and kids around.

"Dalia!" I hear as I switch out my shoes for the bowling shoes. Lower down in the lanes my coworkers wave to me. I move over to them and they all say hello. With all of us finally here, we split up into teams.
Over the last few weeks, they hired a few more people due to more patients, so it's a bigger group.

On my team there's Lauren, David, Amy and on the other is Louis, Abigail, Allison and Zach. As the game went on, the other team seemed to be unraveling as my team was in the lead. Lauren bowled another strike, and Zach looked like he wanted to punch something.

"Think he's super competitive?" Lauren snickered. "Oh definitely." I giggled with her. At the end, my team won of course. Apparently they all have bowling experience. I was just there to "look pretty" according to Zach.

After a few more games we all left to go to a bar that was close by. It was decently packed. I'm not drinking that much really because I have to go home but everyone else seemed to have a good time. I liked getting to know everyone outside of the work setting.

We all got into comfortable conversation and the night seemed to fly. "So are you dating anyone?"
I heard from across the table. Lauren looked at me excited. "Actually no I'm not. Sorry to disappoint"  I laughed. "Oh no its okay! I didn't mean it like that" she chuckled. "I rather just focus on my career for right now. I'm just starting out too" I reply.

"That's good. There's so much more to life than relationships.  I wish I knew that when I was younger" she says before downing another shot. "I'd assume you're not in one?" I say sipping on my drink. 

"Oh, I'm actually engaged" she replies. "I followed my high school boyfriend right after high school. Ugh, I wish I never did. He cheated on me after asking me to move in with him. I had to go back home - alone, and start over" she continues. "When I did, I met my fiancee a few months after and its been amazing ever since" she smiles.

"That's amazing.  Congratulations. I'll wait on mine, they'll find me eventually." I laugh. We talk a bit more about her life and fun things in the area to do. Then a few of the other girls joined, before we went to dance. Maybe I could make some actual friends at this job.

The night ended, saying goodbye to Lauren and the group. I stopped to get Natalie some food and went home. "How was it?" She asked when I walked through the door.  It doesn't look like she even moved from her spot on the couch.

"Better than I expected. I thought it'd be boring and I'd have nothing in common with them but it actually was the opposite. I had a good time" I say sitting next to her. "Meet anybody cute?" She asks. "Hmm, not really. But I'm not really looking either" I say back.

"You're 25! You should be. Are you just gonna work your whole life?" She asks following me into the kitchen. "Yes and no. When the time is right, It'll just happen" I shrug.


Honestly not being on call this weekend feels amazing. I hope Billie behaves at least for one more day. "You're finally not on call. What should we do today?" Natalie asked as I went into the kitchen. "I was thinking we could go out to eat or something? We haven't really hung out since I started this job." I suggest.

She quickly jumps and goes to her room to get dressed. We both get dressed and drive to a cute brunch spot called Lanai.  After a few mimosas I'm much more relaxed.

"There's a guy who keeps glancing at you. Don't make it obvious though" she whispers to me. I discretely turn to look at him. "He's cute, but seems young. Maybe you should go for him" I say to her. "No thanks, I'm good." She replies. "Too late, I'm going for you" I tease and I put my napkin on the table getting up before she could stop me.

I get up and fluff my hair a little and pull my dress down a bit. As I got up, his eyes land on me and I smile at him as I make my way to him. He seems taken back at my approach and averts his look. Shy, how cute.

"Hi, I'm Dalia" I say to him. "Hey, I'm Dylan" he replies back smiling. "Well Dylan, I heard that you were glancing at my table quite a bit." I say to him. "Oh, uh- well I think you're both very beautiful. Especially, her" he says signaling to Natalie.

We both looked over to her, and when she saw us looking she looked away. "Hmm, I'm sure she won't mind me getting your number for her. What do you say?" He looks at me and writes his number on a piece of paper and hands it to me. "Bye Dylan. It was nice to meet you." I say smiling at him.

"So what happened?" Natalie asked as I sat down. "He kept looking over here, for you" I say to her giggling. "I got his number for you. No biggie. 10 points for your big sister here" I say dusting my shoulders off. "Okay, okay" she laughed.

We finished eating and went home. I gave her Dylan's number and then went to take a nap. It's so nice to not be on call. After waking up, Natalie and I had a movie night and just chilled before going to bed.

Now to start the week all over again. How fun


I kind of wanted a filler chapter just for Dalia to show her personality out of work.

Thank you for reading and for 1K on this book!

-K 💕

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