Chapter 24

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I apologise but this chapter isn't as well written as i would like. I blame the writters block.


She was okay.

She had to be.

He didn't mean to do it.

He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did.

He was just so angry.

How dare they look at her, laugh with her?

Only he should be allowed to do that.

Only he could ever hope to truly understand her.

She had to be punished, so he punished her but then she wouldn't wake up.

Why didn't she wake up?

He eventually took but home. She would sleep peacefully there and maybe she would wake up.



It had been two days and His Love hadn't woken up yet. She was beginning to smell, so he gave her a bath. She will be so grateful he did that when she woke up.



She was had red foam at her mouth and nose. She was also starting to gain weight. His Love had only been with him for five days. He didn't understand why though. Maybe she used to suck in her gut around people she was uncomfortable with.



His Love was melting. That was not good. He didn't give her permission to melt.

People had been knocking at his door every day. Today wasn't any different, except they were yelling.

"Open up, this is the police!"


Oh yes, maybe they can wake up his love.

He stood up slowly. He was weak in his limbs. He hadn't moved all that much since he brought His Love home.

He carefully made his way to the door. As he opened it, the people on the other side pushed him out of the way. As the last person entered, they handed him a piece of paper.

A warrant.


Oh no.

They were going to take His Love away.

"We have a body!" He heard one of them yell.

"NO!" he screamed as he lunged at the closet person to him.

He griped his hands on either side of their head and yanked.


Simultaneously two sounds echoed in the apartment.

The first was the sound of a neck being snapped.

The second was the sound of a gunshot.

'My Love, why didn't you wake up?'

That had been his last coherent thought, at one that was when he occupied a physical body.


He spent an indefinite amount of time in the void. He raged and screamed. More often than not he felt traces of His Love.

The Love he bound His very soul to.

He could not move in the form he was currently in, but through his will alone he stretched his consciousness down Her trace.

The void pitied His soul. It was black and broken. It frayed at the edges and those loose wisps of it, formed into a cage. The void saw His sadness and it saw it parasite. However, before it could separate the parasite and the soul, they moved to follow little white.



His next coherent thought was when he was two years old.

'What happened?

He soon was bombarded with several years' worth of memories.

His name was now Okomoto Kage.

He was four years old.

Black hair, black eyes and was always seen with a creepy corpse smile on his face.

His eyes were had been blank ever since he got his quirk. Which just so happened to coincide with HIS first day of coherency.

He was childhood friends with Nakamari Shirazu.

Kage's mother had been a dear friend to Nakamari Karen until she died in childbirth.

Kage often heard his father rant about how they still hadn't found Nakamari's first born child. A daughter. The TRUE heir to the Nakamari Company.

It had nothing to do with him so he never paid attention to the business however a particular strand of thought had grasped his attention.

If he was here, then that must mean His Love was here too.

Then he would find her.




As the years went by he learnt to control his quirk. He found it to be rather useful in avoiding the suspicion of both his father and the law.

His quirk had been dubbed Hive mind. It was rather self-explanatory. Using it he had his figurative hand in all sorts of underground schemes or better explained as he had an inside bee constantly reporting to its Queen aka him.

By the time he was 5 years old, he had a rather decent number of people under the control of his quirk. Unfortunately, he had temporarily lost control of one of his drones. It was the first time something such as that had ever happened. It made him wary for a few days. Kage's father had noticed. Thankfully he only assumed it was a nightmare. Sadly, it also resulted in his father having him sleep beside him in an attempt to chase away said "nightmare". Gullible fool.

It was a week after the loss of connection before his faulty drone appeared. He seemed to have something important to announce. It was fine, Kage just needed to double up on the connection to rummage through the drones' memories.


What was that?

Kage back tracked in the memory he just went through. Alleyway, Bleeding, Little girl.

Little girl with a very particular look in their eyes or to be more specific that gaze. The colour of the girls' eyes reminded him of something.

He knew it.

He had been on the receiving end of that gaze some many times in the past. The little girl had the colouring of the Kage's best friend's parents.

Well, wasn't this a real treat.

He just found the Nakamari families TRUE heir but there was something else about her.

Something that HE desired more than anything.

HE couldn't say for certain if it was His Love but the compassion in the girls were nearly exact to the that of His Love's.

However, there was a darkness within her eyes that set her apart from His Love. So he spent years following the girl with his drones. He even had a new drone live with her after a few years. Getting inside details of U.A was just a bonus. One he never anticipated but was put to use either way. Though he did eventually confirm his suspicions.

Hidden with the body of Baria Shimaru was the cracked and healing soul of Obexia Conradie.

He was absolutely thrilled, for possessing the body of young Okomoto Kage was Eric Brook.

If only Kage would stop trying to resurface.

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