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When Obexia had woken up that day, everything was normal. Her pale pink walls in front of her. The teddy bears on the floor. Hair brush and hair ties littered around her vanity. She didn't have a lot of makeup. Just some foundation and eyeliner.

She had just finished pulling up her socks when her mum called her down to eat breakfast. Even then it was still a normal day. Her mum was chasing her brothers around the living room, trying to get them to brush their hair. Her dad in the kitchen drinking his third cup of far.

Obexia made herself a bowl of cereal. Freezos. They were sugary and round. Her mum often compared them to sugar cubes. Obexia stole her dad's coffee, kissed him on the cheek and sat down at the table to eat. Somehow managing to get her brothers to copy her. Her parents eventually joining them instead of making oogly eyes at each other. Breakfast was a mess as always. Yelling across the table as the boys made a mess. Parents making even more googly eyes at each other and teasing from all the siblings.




After breakfast Obexia had to run to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Her brothers where not going to make her late today. That and she refused to get stuck in the bathroom with it smelling. She finished up quickly, run down kissed her parent's goodbye and yelled to her brothers.

"Oi twerps, don't cause to much trouble for the school! Love you!"

Obexia met up with her childhood best friend and current classmate, Erik Brook. They always walked to school together. It was a part of their dynamic. If you saw one the other wasn't far behind.

The walk had been as quiet as it usually was. They had never really needed to talk. They always seemed to know what the other was thinking. However, today felt different. Something about him. A reddish tint added to his pale skin. It was even the healthy kind. There was wild look in his eyes.

The second their feet hit the school ground the bell had rung and Erik immediately parted with her. So she wasn't able to ask him what was wrong.

The school day had also been ordinary. Not including Erik ditching and avoiding her. When Obexia was eating lunch with friend's stories were shared. A bunch of giggling girls with some embarrassed boys really would make anyone's day. The boys sharing a few weird looks. Smirking a few times after looking at Erik. Obexia also stole a look at Erik. His eyes seemed worse. His black hair looked far messier than it did that morning. Obexia shrugged it off.

'It was probably nothing' She thought.

The lunch bell rang. 'See you later' was shared between friends and they parted ways. For Obexia the rest of the day moved slowly. One class after the other. One boring lecture after the other. Students quietly giggling and passing not-so-secret notes. Teacher pretending, they don't notice the students falling asleep or texting on their phones. Top students helping the ones that became completely lost even though they were paying attention. It continued until the final bell finally rung. Then it was a free for all. Kids packing up and leaving as quickly as possible without being rude, Obexia included.

Erik and Obexia met outside the school. From there they began walking home. They had no worries because they had done this their entire lives. Everything had been going as it usually did for them, when he stopped walking all of a sudden. Obexia turned around to look at him. Erik's face was redder than it had ever been before. She knew he didn't have a crush on her because he always turned red around girls that weren't part of their friend group. Plus, he was dating a girl from next door. Shanice, Bianca, or was it Jenna.

Erik had his back facing her. He had turned around when Obexia got lost in her thoughts. So Obexia reached out and turn him to her. As she turned him around to look at her, she finally noticed that he looked like a crazy murderer. His eyes wilder than even said murderers. Slight pants came from him even though she knew there was nothing wrong with his breathing and they hadn't been running.

"Erik? What's wrong? Why are you panting? Are you okay?" She asked. She was genuinely worried.

That's what had drawn Erik to her in the first place. She never truly worried about herself. He loved that about her however, he had been planning to do this for years. Just so no one else could have her kindness. Just so that she would be somewhere the was befitting of her purity.

Erik pulled something out from of his jacket sleeve. His eyes wild and slowly becoming bloodshot. He lunged towards her and ....

That's all she could remember. Him lunging and nothing else. There was no pain, there was no fear. Just blank empty space. No entrance and no exit. Not even colour. No black, no white and most certainly no rainbow.

She heard a voice. In that blank void. She could remember that much. She couldn't remember what it said but she could remember that she opened her mouth to reply. She could remember herself feeling denial and rejection.



The next thing she remember was feeling wet and slimy. She felt so incredibly weak and so incredibly small. So she wished. She wished to have a barrier. A barrier from the world, from pain, from the pressure of others expectations. A barrier to protect and a barrier to control. A barrier in which there are no secrets from her. She wished that if she had truly died by her best friend's hands, that she would be reborn. Reborn over and over to save someone. Who? She wasn't sure. She hadn't even had a long life. She wanted to experience so many things.

Those were the wishes of one Obexia Conradie. Age 15. Born October 10. Died October 25.

Baria Nakamari was born on October 26 12:01 PM.

In the void another person appeared. Soul so sad and broken, it barely survived.

The voice frowned. This soul shouldn't have survived this long. The voice prayed that day. Prayed that the little white soul would be able to heal and help all those it favoured.

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